
We hope you have all had a wonderful summer and your children are excited to join us tomorrow. We have spent time over the summer developing the indoor environment to make it even better for you!

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow morning. Make sure to get an early night.


The EYFS Team

Forest School/P.E dates and clothing

We do not ask children to get changed at school for P.E or Forest School activities.

On P.E. days, please come dressed in outside kit: blue or black jogging bottoms, trainers, school jumper and school P.E top.

On Forest School days, please can children come to school wearing tracksuit bottoms/long leggings, a long sleeved t-shirt and trainers. They will also need a puddle suit/ waterproof suit and wellies in a named plastic bag.

Even though children are not changing at school, please ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled with their name. 

Children will begin P.E/Forest School on the following dates:

Base 1:

Forest School – Wednesday 21st September 

P.E – Wednesday 28th September


Base 2

P.E – Wednesday 21st September

Forest School – Wednesday 28th September


Classes alternate between Forest School and P.E each Wednesday.


Thank you,

The EYFS Team

The stages of growth

Reception enjoyed meeting baby Luca this morning as part of our work on growth for STEAM week. We also had fun playing a guessing game. We shared our photographs of us when we were a baby and had to guess who it was. We discussed how we had grown and what new skills we have developed as we have grown up.

Weekly Reception News

The children have had an extra special week this week as they have now met their new teacher in September. They all were so well behaved and made such a great first impression.


We are all very excited for STEAM week next week. Don’t forget to dress up on Monday!


Have a wonderful weekend! The sun is forecast to be out next week so please ensure your child has a named hat, water bottle and sun cream is applied before school. Sun cream can also be brought in to school for children to apply themselves.


The EYFS Team

Game afternoon

What a fantastic afternoon Reception have had sharing and playing their Maths board games. It was lovely to hear the children talk about the aims of their game and see some lovely turn taking and sharing.


STEAM week reminder request

Reception Requests

As part of STEAM week on the 11th July we will be celebrating the topic ‘Growth.’ On Monday 11th July We would like the children to bring in two photographs. One of them when they were a baby and one of them now. We will be talking about how we have changed and sharing our photographs with each other. On Wednesday 13th July we will be exploring how the water beads grow…For this experiment we need you to send in an empty clear plastic bottle (similar size to a fruit shoot bottle). We will also be making our own musical instruments from recycled materials so please send any recycling into school for that week that the children can use.

Many Thanks

The Reception Team

Weekly Reception News

This week, Reception have been reading The Gingerbread Man. They have enjoyed retelling the story and joining in with the repetitive phrases.

In our Character Education carpet time, we discussed why a good bedtime routine was so important. The children then created their own bedtime routine:

At bedtime this week, encourage your child to retell the story of The Gingerbread Man. Also, don’t forget to read lots at home. If you record in your reading diary three times a week your child will receive 5 house points!

STEAM week resources

As part of STEAM week on the 11th July we will be celebrating the topic ‘Growth.’ On Monday 11th July we would like the children to bring in two photographs. One of them when they were a baby and one of them now. We will be talking about how we have changed and sharing our photographs with each other. On Wednesday 13th July we will be exploring how the water beads grow…For this experiment we need you to send in an empty clear plastic bottle (similar size to a fruit shoot bottle).

Many Thanks

The Reception Team