Reception News

What a great week Reception have had so far! We have been busy with our phonics. Fred has been teaching us lots of important signals to help us during our lessons. We have also been learning the writing rhymes to help us when writing our letters. In Maths we will be focussing on a new number each week which will help the children to deepen their understanding of number. This week it has been number 1. We have had celebrations for Fred’s first birthday and lots of fun 1-minute challenges. The children are really enjoying sharing their family photographs as part of our enhancements. It has been lovely to find out about different family members and family traditions. The children demonstrated their super listening and attention skills for their first Forest School and PE lessons. We were using the hula hoops as our safety bubbles in PE to demonstrate the importance of space when moving around the outdoors to avoid bumping into each other. 





We are really looking forward to meeting all of our new Reception children this week! We hope you are excited to see your new class and teachers. A member of the school team will meet you at the gate at 9.30am and explain where you need to go. You will then be collected at 11.30am from the classroom doors. On Thursday and Friday this week you only need to bring a water bottle and a coat. Your first PE or Forest School session will be on Wednesday 16th September and you will come into school wearing either your PE or Forest School clothes. More information on this will follow in your home-school communication book. See you soon 😊

Thank you and goodbye :)

Thank you for being so wonderful and we wish you all the very best for September. Please find attached a few words from your class teacher.

Base 1 Base 2

Reception Weekly Challenge

This week we would like you to think about the summer. Look at the picture and see if you can write some interesting sentences to describe the scene.

Social distancing this summer: What we know about beaches, travel ...

For maths we would like you to go on a treasure hunt. Can  you find some different natural objects and sort them into sets, then have a go at counting them and finding how many you have of each. Then try choosing items from each set and adding them together. Can you make some bonds to 10 e.g. 1 + 9 = 10. 2+ 8 = 10.

We wish you a super summer holiday and look forward to seeing you all grown up in Year 1 in September.

Take care,

The Reception Team

Home Learning – Week 4

We are continuing with our ‘Journeys’ topic for this term, and this week we are taking a dive under the sea and reading The Snail and the Whale, by Julia Donaldson. If you do not have this book at home, click on the following link –


Home Learning Activities


Watch the following whale video

Together, pause to discuss the key vocabulary and interesting facts. Challenge your child to help you write notes using the sentence stems below:

A whale can…

A whale has…

A whale is…

Take an idea and model writing a sentence before asking your child to write it independently.


You will need some bubble solution for this activity.

Blow a small amount of bubbles and ask you child to count the amount they see.

Key questions:

If I pop one bubble does that mean that there are more bubbles or fewer/less bubbles? Why?

What is one less than….? Continue to blow bubbles and ask this question.

How could we record this as a number sentence? E.g. 5-1=4

If your child is secure with the concept of 1 less than, then challenge them to say what is 1 more than and discuss the concept of addition.


Expressive Arts and Design:

Create a sea themed piece of art. Use the pictures from the story to discuss the colours the illustrator has used.

Week 3 – Home Learning

We are continuing with our ‘Journeys’ topic for this term, and this week we are reading The Way Back Home, by Oliver Jeffers.


Literacy Activity:

At home you can read this story, which can be found on YouTube. Explore the story with your child and encourage them to write a simple sentence, such as – I got stuck. Depending on your child’s phonics knowledge you could extend the sentence further – I got stuck on the moon. For an additional challenge, ask your child to write how this would make them feel – I got stuck on the moon so I felt scared. Don’t forget to model the sentence first for your child, writing cursively (if possible), and then ask them to write it independently.

Expressive Arts and Design:

Using recyclable materials, you could build your own rocket!

Understanding of the World:

Encourage your child to ask questions about the world around them, including space. The below link shows how you would need to brush your teeth in space, which is a great starting point.