
This week we have started our phonics lessons! The children have been working to say and recognise the sounds and we are really pleased with their efforts. It would be great if you could watch these videos at home with your children to support their learning.

So far this week we have learnt the following sounds:




Forest school and PE

A reminder that tomorrow is our first Forest school and PE day!

Base 1 will need their forest school things.

Base 2 will need to come into school in their PE kit.

Next Wednesday the children will swap over so everyone has a turn.

We look forward to sharing the fun with them!


As the weather is getting colder and continuing to be wet, we ask that the children bring in a coat to school. Please can this be labelled.

In order for us to help children to grow their independence skills, please can you practise putting a coat on with your child. It would also be helpful if you could teach them how to put their sleeves the right way too.

You can even try and teach them to ‘do the flip’!

The Coat Flip: Putting on a Coat Independently (3-5 years) | Bright Horizons

Hatley Girl's Splash Jackets Rain

Our first library visit!

Today, Base 1 and Base 2 visited the school library. We talked about the types of books we could choose and how to show care and respect for the books in our school.

Your child will have come home with a library book with a brown label on the spine. This is for them to enjoy reading with a grown up at home to inspire a love of reading. Please could you make sure it is returned to school next Tuesday so that the children can choose another book. Thank you and enjoy reading!

Week 2 Pictures!

Here, the children are exploring some of our provision in Independent Learning Time!

Mrs Parrish’s favourite area is the ‘Modelling Dough Area’, Mrs Jones can often be found in the ‘Role Play’ and Mrs Garraway loves playing at the ‘Small World’ table.


Autumn 1 – Week 2


All the children have settled well into their new school and we are so proud of how quickly they have adapted to their new surroundings.


Your child’s day:

Since starting, the children have enjoyed accessing the basic provision during their Independent Learning Time. They are enjoying exploring the environment and making new friends.


Story of the Week:

This week, we are reading Every House on Every Street, which links to this half term’s topic ‘Marvellous Me’. The children will have the opportunity to explore this text more next week in the enhanced provision.


Artist Focus:

This week we have learnt about Leonardo Da Vinci and the children have drawn their self-portrait. They will repeat this process each term and this artwork will be displayed in each base, so their progressive drawing skills can be celebrated and admired.



In Maths this week, we are practising basic number songs which the children are thoroughly enjoying.


Home Learning Opportunities:

Please click on links below if you wish to read this week’s book or sing a number song we have learnt in class:



5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer:,vid:cW0JfldlolI,st:0


Thank you for all you support this week.


The EYFS Team



Forest School and P.E

We ask for children to come dressed ready for P.E/ Forest School activities.

On P.E. days, please come dressed in outside kit: blue or black jogging bottoms or shorts, trainers, school jumper and school P.E top.

On Forest School days, please can children come to school wearing tracksuit bottoms/long leggings, a long sleeved t-shirt and trainers. They will also need a puddle suit/ waterproof suit and wellies in a named plastic bag.

Even though children are not changing at school, please ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled with their name. 


Children will begin P.E/Forest School on the following dates:

Base 1:

Forest School – Wednesday 20th September 

P.E – Wednesday 27th September


Base 2

P.E – Wednesday 20th September

Forest School – Wednesday 27th September


Classes alternate between Forest School and P.E each Wednesday.


Thank you,

The EYFS Team



We hope you have all had a wonderful summer and your children are excited to join us tomorrow. We have spent time over the summer developing the indoor environment to make it even better for you!
To help with their transition, there will be no PE or Forest school this week. More information on this will follow.
Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow morning. Make sure to get an early night.

The EYFS Team


Thank you to all you kind wishes and thoughtful gifts. All the staff feel incredibly touched. This year has been special in so many ways and we will truly miss teaching these wonderful children.

We would also like to wish Miss Preston all the very best on her new adventure and life in China. She will be missed!


We hope you all have a fantastic and safe summer.


The EYFS Team