Choo Choo!!

We have read the story Oi Get Off Our Train. The children have been using junk modelling to make their own train. We talked about the reasons why the animals wanted to get on the train as they were all facing different threats. We then looked at what animals are becoming endangered. In Maths we have been focusing on finding 1 more than a given number.

African Adventure

The children have really enjoyed finding out about our new topic ‘Wonderful World.’ We have started our journey in Africa. We read the story We all went on Safari and found out new information about Tanzania and the animals. Ask the children about the ‘Serengeti gate’ and see what they can tell you. We have been using paint to copy and create different animal patterns. We have made African necklaces and bracelets using beads and pasta. We tried hard to make a repeating pattern using bright colours. We had fun using the tweezers to collect the crocodile teeth. We worked with a friend to see how many we could collect racing against the time. We then used the words more, fewer and the same to compare quantities. In Maths we have been using the part-part whole model when exploring ways of making different numbers. We have set some Maths homework which can be viewed and accessed on Teams.

Diwali fun!

Reception have been finding out about Diwali the festival of lights. We have enjoyed making our own Rangoli designs, drawing mehndi patterns and creating firework pictures using different media. We have also been comparing groups of objects using the vocabulary more and fewer. We would like to say such a big well done to all the children in Reception for such a fantastic first half term. You are all superstars!


Reception News

This week we have been talking about the signs of Autumn. Outside we have been exploring different Autumn treasures such as pine cones, acorns, conkers and different coloured leaves. We used our senses to describe what they felt and looked like.  We have been making our own leaf people using different craft resources. In Maths we have been continuing our work on subitising. We had stickers on the leaves and tried hard to recall how many stickers we could see without counting them. We then represented different amounts on the leaves by using the stickers. We have also been representing numbers to 5 on a fives frame. The children explored natural resources in forest school to make and show different feeling faces.