Young Voices

The children are having a wonderful time at Young Voices.

Mentor Dog

Bonnie, our school mentor dog,  has enjoyed her first two weeks back in school after the summer holiday.  Bonnie has been coming into school for a year now and is a much loved member of our school community.  Research has shown that children working with a dog can promote healthy connections within the brain which can strengthen intellectual, physical, emotional and creative processes.      Bonnie visits the children in their classes, hears readers and loves story time!  The children enjoy taking her walks and spending some reward time with her.  Bonnie is looking forward to getting to know our new reception children better!


Shropshire Beam are offering the following virtual courses.  If you would like to attend any of the meetings just click on the link on the appropriate day and at the appropriate time.

Date / Time


Workshops Link
Wednesday 6th April 11:30am Sleep Support  Microsoft Teams meeting

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Wednesday 13th April 10am Supporting Children & Young People with Anxiety Microsoft Teams meeting

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Wednesday 20th April 11:30am Understanding & responding to Self-Harm Microsoft Teams meeting

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Wednesday 27th April 12:30pm Wellbeing Planning Microsoft Teams meeting

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Wednesday 4th May 12:30pm Sleep Support Microsoft Teams meeting

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Wednesday 11th May 12:30pm Supporting Children & Young People with Anxiety


 Microsoft Teams meeting

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Wednesday 18th May 12:30pm Understanding & responding to Self-Harm Microsoft Teams meeting

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Wednesday 25th May 10am Wellbeing Planning  Microsoft Teams meeting

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BEAM courses

BEAM are offering the following training sessions over July and August.  You don’t need to book a place just click on the link  at the time and date shown.

Mental Health & Emotional well-being in children & young people. We will cover:

  • Effective communication.
  • Empathy V Sympathy.
  • Overview of common emotional well-being topics such as anxiety, depression, self-harm, suicidal ideation and anger.
Wednesday 7th July 2021


12pm – 1.30pm

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Sleepy Heads.


2 session workshop around sleep & common issues.


It is advisable to attend both sessions.

Session 1:

  • Sleep stages.
  • Sleep hygiene.
  • Bedtime routines.
Wednesday 21st July 2021



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Session 2:

  • Tackling common issues around sleep including:
  • Prolonged night-time awakenings.
  • Bedtime refusal & resisitance.
  • Teen sleep.
Wednesday 4th August 2021



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Managing anxious behaviours in young people. We will cover:

  • What anxiety is.
  • Science of anxiety.
  • How to support.
Wednesday 18th August 2021


12pm – 1.30pm

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Information from BEAM

We are pleased to let you know that BEAM are now offering virtual sessions for parents & carers around common emotional well-being topics. If you would like to attend the meeting just click on the link at the appropriate time – you do not need to book.



Supporting children & young people who show anxious behaviours. We will cover:

ü  What anxiety is.

ü  The science of anxiety.

ü  How can you support your young person?


There will be opportunity for Q&A with our practitioners at the end.


Wednesday 26th May 2021



Microsoft Teams meeting

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Pebble Path For The NHS

The children who are in school today have been painting pebbles from Mr Taylor’s garden for the new ‘Pebble Path’ that is going to be made at the Princess Royal Hospital.  This morning they painted happy pictures for the well-being room at the hospital to help keep the wonderful NHS staff smiling.

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