Spring Term Main Class Spellings

Please find below the main class spellings for year 5 in the Spring term.

These will come home on a Friday (in the children’s reading record) to be practised each day, at home, throughout the following week. The children will then sit a spelling test on the following Friday. Children will not need to bring any spelling practice back into school.

Spring 1st half

Spring 2nd


Year 5 Spellings and SPAG Homework

Homework will be set again on the first Friday back to school.

Remote Learning Reading

Follow the link below to access free online reading books pitched at your child’s age and phonics ability. You will need your child’s Oxford Owl password to open the text.

Oxford Owl ebook library

You can also access story teller videos so that you child can watch and listen to various stories read by famous famous.

Story teller videos

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