Calm Brain at Home

CalmBrain are offering free access at home for the duration of the school ‘closure’.

If you would like to access this please email, providing the following information:

Parent first and last name. NOTE: they do not need the name of the child.

Parent’s email address.

The name of the school their child attends.

This is a great resource for the whole family to enjoy some relaxing mindfulness time.


If you need a little extra help with your SPAG work this term or want some practice with certain concepts, use the BBC Bitesize link below.

BBC Bitesize


Year 5 Remote Learning

From today, all work set will be available on Teams for you to complete and return.

Well done to those who have already done this!

AR Quizzing From Home

Good morning!

During lockdown, from MONDAY 11th January, the children are now able to access Accelerated Reading quizzes from home. They will need to use the following link and then log on as normal.

These quizzes must be completed as they would in school: after children have completed the book and know it well (read it three times if it is a short book) and in the quiet with no additional adult support. The children can, as normal, refer to their book though.

Please email any post-quiz TOPs reports to the year group teachers for them to be printed at school and filed in the children’s TOPS report folders.

Please be aware that we will not be issuing certificates during lockdown and school closure.

You may use the children’s ‘Home Connect’ log-in to identify books within the ZPD range that the children need.

Storytime Online

If your children love listening to stories being read to them, then whilst they are learning from home, head over to ‘Books for Topics – Storytime Online’ for access to free stories. The site uses QR codes  to link to story readings on Youtube and all of the books are read aloud by their fabulous authors and illustrators.

Follow the link and happy listening!

Storytime Online

Books for Topics

Just a reminder that ‘Books for Topics’ is a fantastic resource for children from EYFS up to year 6 to help to find and choose books to read which are linked to the children’s science, history and geography topics. They suggest a great range of fiction and non-fiction books pitched at different ages.

Follow the link below and have a look!

Books for Topics

PE Days

For those children who are in school this half term, they will need to wear their PE kit on a Wednesday and Friday.

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