Year 5 Summer Term Main Class Spellings

Please find below the main class spellings for year 5 in the Summer term.

These will come home on a Friday (in the children’s reading record) to be practised each day, at home, throughout the following week. The children will then sit a spelling test on the following Friday. Children will not need to bring any spelling practice back into school.

Summer 1st half

Summer 2nd half

Easter Reading Challenge






During the Easter holidays, we are setting 2 photographic reading challenges for you. You can pick one or even both of them!

Challenge 1: Take a photo  of yourself or your family reading in an usual or interesting location.

Challenge 2: Take a photo of yourself reading in a setting and scene that appears in the plot of your book whilst dressed up as one of the characters from the book.

We will be choosing a winner for each challenge from each year group. Winners will receive a certificate and 5 HP.

Don’t forget to email your photographs in to the school email address. We can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Happy Reading!

Year 5 Update

It’s been another super and busy week for year 5 this week. We’ve been continuing to learn about fractions with the addition of comparing them with decimals. We’ve also done some fantastic grammar work to recap some areas that we looked at in lockdown.

Don’t forget to send in any homework projects ready for us to look at next week. We can’t wait to see what you’ve all come up with.

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