STEAM art work

Year 5 have been creating some fantastic ‘pointillism’ art work today linked to rainforest animals. They have been incredibly focussed and produced some beautiful work.

Art Days

This Thursday and Friday (27th and 28th) year 5 will be having two art days. Please could they bring an old top/shirt/t-shirt in order to paint in. The paint we will be using are watercolours so will wash out.

PE Kit Tuesday 11th May

Year 5 need to come dressed in PE kit on Tuesday 11th May as there will be receiving a session of tennis coaching.

Year 5 Poetry

The children in year 5 have been studying the poem ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes. Last week, they were each given a verse to learn off by heart ready to perform to the rest of the class. Today, each class has done a brilliant job at reciting their verse and creating a class performance. Well done year 5!

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