Welcome Back

Welcome back and we hope you’ve had a lovely half term.

What a great first day back it’s been in year 5 with house points, table points, raffle tickets and golden tickets all being awarded! Well done year 5 and keep it up!

Homework Project

The children have had their homework project set today which is linked to our Geography topic ‘Deserts and Rainforests’.

Please follow the link below for more details

Autumn project – Rainforest.

Black History Month

As part of Black History month, Base 12 have learnt about Martin Luther King Jnr and his ‘I have a dream’ speech. The children were then given opportunities to consider what their dreams for society are.

School uniform – Photograph Day

On Tuesday 12th October, the children will be having their individual school photographs taken. As this is a PE day for Base 12, please can you ensure that the children come to school in their school uniform and bring in their PE kits to change into in the afternoon.

Many thanks

PG film consent

Following the letter sent in the first week back about PG consent for films, we are planning on showing the original Jungle Book cartoon film to the children as part of their English work on adventure stories to tie in with our geography work on rainforests. If you haven’t already done so, please could you reply to A2190@taw.org.uk stating whether or not you give parental consent for this.

Many thanks.

Amazing ICT

Base 12 had a visit from Paul from ‘Amazing ICT’ today who taught them how to video edit. The children have all worked in pairs to create a film which they have then reversed and added effects to. It was brilliant to see handwriting disappearing as if by magic and water bottles emptying of water whilst being drunk! Great work base 12!

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