Headteacher’s Message

A huge well done to our Reception and Key Stage 1 children this week who were absolutely amazing during their Sports day events. Thank you to the Year 6 House captains who supported with the activities,  staff team for their planning and preparation and to all of our families who were able to join us.  Fingers crossed the weather is kinder to us on 17th July for our KS2 Sports day events.

Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher’s Award this week:

Ruben D, Georgia W, Peyton E, Harry D, Penelope H, Jonah M, Rory P, Katie O, Emily B, Bobby B, Jenna M-W, Rayan F, Jesse S, Ellie B, Ruby H, Sumeet P, Luke W, Oscar W, Coby-Jack T, Zoey H, Evie-Rose M, Amber N, Ethan G, Sydney G, Ollie D, Alexandra S

Have a good weekend.

Mrs E Smith


Urban Games – Free sports coaching programme for children aged 8+

The school summer holidays will be here before we know it!

Check out the Telford & Wrekin Urban Games, a free sports coaching programme for children aged 8+.

Cricket, hockey, netball, biking and football sessions are held at local MUGAs across the holidays and the summer programme is soon to be announced!

For more information visit the Telford & Wrekin Newsroom website.

‘Buzzing’ summer ahead for residents – free activity sessions

Residents are in for a ‘buzzing’ summer, as Telford and Wrekin Council teams up with Shropshire Wildlife Trust to offer free activity sessions during the summer. Some 15 sites will see sessions from 11-2.30, hosted by the trust and will include activities like bug hunting/hotel making, den building and insect spotting to name a few.

The sessions are aimed at introducing more people to the town’s green spaces, encouraging an active lifestyle, and helping young people to develop an understanding of the world around them.

Read more on the Telford & Wrekin Newsroom website or book your place by searching ‘Wild Telford’ in Eventbrite.

Headteacher’s Message

It has been a fabulous week in school.  There has been a lot happening and we have a lot to celebrate. Our rounders team braved the heat and performed brilliantly in their competition. Our Year 4 children have demonstrated their marvellous maths skills and have now all completed their multiplication check over the last two weeks.  Our Year 1 children have demonstrated their impressive early reading skills during their phonics screen this week, and with their families during the DEAR session, Our Year 6 children have demonstrated incredible maturity and proven their understanding of how to behave appropriately and stay safe online during their computing day with Amazing ICT. I’ve seen some incredible writing from our Year 3 children and our Year 2 children have successfully completed their pedestrian training.

Thank you to all of the families who have been able to join us for Year 1 DEAR time and Reception family lunch this week. The children love sharing part of their school day with you.

Well done to everyone who has received  a headteacher’s award this week.  I am very proud of you all:


Thomas W, Reema C, Sienna T, Rylan W, Alvira S, Freddie W, Alisha P, Toby C, Emilie T, Oliver L, Thomas B, Imogen C, Archer B, Victoria N, Ramiz F, Imogen D, Kian P, Louie P

I am really looking forward to our sports days next week.  I hope you have a good weekend.

Mrs E Smith

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service backs national Drowning Prevention Week campaign

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service is urging parents to make sure their children know how to stay safe and enjoy the water this summer.

Whether heading abroad this summer or opting for a staycation, the Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK), fears that families will head to beaches and inland water locations this summer, without considering the potential dangers, putting themselves and others at risk. Those of us who will be venturing abroad for their summer holiday, may find themselves using non-lifeguarded pools and therefore be at risk if they do not have the necessary water safety skills.

Figures indicate that around 25 per cent of primary pupils leave school unable to swim, and experts fear that as a result of the pandemic many young people lacking the ability to swim or self-rescue.

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service is supporting RLSS UK’s national Drowning Prevention Week campaign, this year running from 17-24 June 2023.
Drowning Prevention Week aims to equip everybody across the UK and Ireland with the skills and knowledge, to make the right decisions about water safety.
Over 300 people accidentally drown in the UK and Ireland every year and many more suffer injury, sometimes life-changing, when they survive drowning.

James Sutherland, Road and Water Safety Officer said: “We are proud to play our part in ensuring our families have a safe summer. We recognise how vitally important it is for children to know how to stay safe near water and urge everyone to access RLSS UK’s free water safety resources on the Charity’s website, which include fantastic theme week lesson plans to allow schools to incorporate the resources into existing lessons. We want everyone to enjoy all of the fun and benefits of being in and around water but be educated on how to do that safely.”

The Royal Life Saving Society UK’s Charity Director Lee Heard, said: “The UK’s beautiful waterways should be places where everyone feels at ease, and can take pleasure from their surroundings, whatever their age, whatever their activity level. But we’re urging people to educate themselves and others on how to enjoy water safely and prevent a fun day out ending in tragedy.

“The Drowning Prevention Week campaign is crucial this year. In recent years, young people have missed out on the vital opportunity to swim, leaving a dramatic gap in school swimming and water safety education.

“RLSS UK believes that through free, accessible education and training, everyone can enjoy water safely. We urge as many parents as possible to get involved with the campaign, use our free online resources, and give their children the skills to enjoy a lifetime of fun in the water.”

Visit www.rlss.org.uk/DPW to access the Charity’s free water safety resources.


Our school safeguarding squad will also be delivering Key Stage assemblies about summer safety before the end of term.

Headteacher’s Message

I hope you all had a good half term.  We have had a great first week back.  In assembly on Monday, we talked about team work and co-operation and I have see so many great examples of this across the school this week.   I’ve also seen some fantastic maths work from our Year 5 children and Base 8 were amazing with Bonnie when she joined their English lesson yesterday.   Good luck to our Year 5 Formula one challenge team who are presenting their work and fundraising at Cosford Air Show on Sunday. If you are going to the air show, please look for their stand and say hello.  A huge thank you to Mr Carter and Mrs Slater for taking them.

I have some more happy baby news to share, and send congratulations to Mrs Richards and her husband on the safe arrival of their daughter last week. We are looking forward to meeting her soon.

Congratulations to everyone who received a Headteacher’s award this week.  I am very proud of you all:

Abigail M, Monty M, Alayah M, Tobiah F, Jaiden M, Esmae T, Zyra-Rose D, Zain R, Reuben M, Amrita T, Kayden H, Luciana P-B, Farrah G, Aroosh C, Noah E, Amelia A, Charlie T, Isaac D-S, Kaden J, Jack T, Isabella R, Georgia P, Oscar N, Zara I, Amelia B, Olivia I-C, Finley B-D, Isabelle C

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs E Smith

Online safety newsletter June 2023

This month, our online safety newsletter has useful information for parents and carers about some potential risks with new Apps and also references some more age appropriate versions of popular apps.

Click the link to read more.

Online Safety Newsletter Primary June 2023_PDF_Apley Wood

Headteacher’s message

We have had a super week to end the half term.  Well done to all of the children who have represented school in sporting events this week: swimming, cricket and football. They’ve demonstrated great skill and team work.

The happy lunchtime zones have been very well attended this week. KS1 have had opportunity to take part in activities including bubbles, cricket, hula hoop challenges and relays and with KS2 children bubbles, basket ball shoot outs and tennis have been very popular activities.

Well done to everyone who received who has received a Headteacher’s Award this week, I am very proud of them all:

Neve S, Kenai Q, Hollie M, Kian P, Isla D-C, Lewis H, Archer B, Rhema-Joelle S, Joe D,

Olivia W, Katie O, Elijah P, Alice L, Amelia S, Gracie T-E, Riley W, Cara M-W,

Willow C, Ayden P, Emaan W, Cassie H, Kallie Y, Alex C-C, Sabrina S

Thank you for your continued support over this half term.  I hope you all have a good break and some of this sunny weather stays with us!

Mrs E Smith

Headteacher’s message

Well done to our Year 2 children who have been brilliant this week, as they have taken their sats tests. Thanks to all the staff who have supported them to ensure this has been a positive experience for our children and thanks to Mrs Benton for running forest school for Y2 this week.

It has been lovely to see author, Sarah Griffiths, back in school this week.  She shared her story The Lost Voices and the children (and staff!) loved it.

Thank you to everyone who completed our parents questionnaire, the many positive comments have been feedback to staff.  It was lovely to see that so many of our parents recognise the high quality of teaching, and appreciate that our staff do go above and beyond to offer the wide range of extra curricular activities.  A small number of parents have raised some concerns and queries and we do take these seriously.  As a result of this, we will be holding a full SEND review with our attached advisor in June and parents of SEND pupils will have opportunity to share their views and feedback about our SEND provision.  I have also passed on the comments regarding school lunches to the T&W  catering team and they have suggested that they offer parents an opportunity for a tasting session.  I will let you know when a date has been confirmed for this.  Our forest school provision on site is developing, thanks to the hard work of Mr Yardley and Mrs Benton,  and we aim to try to extend the offer over the next academic year.  We are planning on holding our annual Fireworks display this year, unfortunately, our provider was unable to provide an appropriate date last November, due to still catching up on covid cancellations from the previous years. We are excited to be able to offer more community events again, including our Summer Fayre in June.

We have had some lovely news from Mr Yardley and I am sure you will all join me in congratulating him and his wife on the arrival of their new baby girl recently.  We are looking forward to meeting her soon.

Well done to everyone who has received a Headteacher’s Award this week:

Logan J, Betsy S-E, Poppy M, Ramiz F, Scarlett C, Cyrus D, Harrison W,

Rabia A, Harry C, Lois A, Qais S, Sydney M, Charlie D, Ryan S,

Layla S, Lilah R

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs E Smith

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