Summer 1 – Week 2 – EYFS Weekly Update

Base 2 practised travelling in different ways with beanbags. We jumped forwards, backwards and side to side. We then practised balancing beanbags on different parts of our body. 


Forest School

The children are continuing to expand their understanding of Spring, using a range of vocabulary, and enjoyed their Spring walk in the beautiful sunshine. We compared the differences between the walk we took 4 weeks ago and the walk we took today. The children were delighted to see much more growth and were able to tick many more signs of Spring on their tick sheet.



Ways in which you can support your child are to:
Practise reading different individual sounds your child finds difficult –  sounds your child needs to learn will has been given to you at parents evening.
Support your child to blend the sounds to read the word e.g. m-a-t = mat
When your child is confident reading aloud, encourage them to read in their head ‘Fred in their head’.

Please ensure your child’s reading book and reading diary stay in your child’s plastic folder which comes to school every day so your child can read with an adult in school. We aim to listen to your child at least once a week.

Books will only be updated when your child can confidently read the words fluently.


This week, we learnt to identify shapes that look the same, copy a simple arrangements of shapes and also to make shapes using a Tangram.

Challenge to complete at home:

Click on the link below to practise using Tangrams.



This half term, our topic is Animal Magic. We are reading the story Click Clack Moo. They have enjoyed learning facts about cows.



Parent welcome to come to school next Thursday to help us celebrate the King’s Coronation.


Thank you for your continued support,

The EYFS Team.

Peggie Harrison Schools’ Poetry Competition 2023

Congratulations to Zara I who was one of the winner for the above competition and will be attending an official presentation next month.

Numbots & Times Tables Rock Stars 21.04.2023

top users for each year group are:

Year 1: Emily C-M, Isla D-C, Evie P

Year 2: Jessica H, Lily L, Giulia M

Year 3: Arnold A, Amelia E, Daniel P

Year 4: Alec-Maximus D, Sunainah T, Jenna M-W

Year 5: Alyssa H, Megan YTL, Alisha P

Year 6: Inayah S, Elna T, Ruby H

Lunchtime Supervisors Award 21.04.2023

Congratulations to the following children who have received a Lunchtime Supervisor Award this week. This week’s children have been nominated by our wonderful Lunchtime Team:

Keely H-M, Zoha A, Aaron A, Oliver H, Amelia R, Megan R,

Jake H, Hope T, Saphire K, Georgia W, Jasmeet S, Amrita T

Well done to everyone who received an award this week!

Try Tennis – Open Day Sunday 23rd April

Summer 1 – Week 1 – Weekly Update

Base 1 practised travelling in different ways with beanbags. 


Forest School

The children are continuing to expand their understanding of Spring, using a range of vocabulary, and enjoyed their Spring walk in the beautiful sunshine. We compared the differences between the walk we took 4 weeks ago and the walk we took today. The children were delighted to see much more growth and were able to tick many more signs of Spring on their tick sheet.



Ways in which you can support your child are to:
Practise reading different individual sounds your child finds difficult –  sounds your child needs to learn will has been given to you at parents evening.
Support your child to blend the sounds to read the word e.g. m-a-t = mat
When your child is confident reading aloud, encourage them to read in their head ‘Fred in their head’.

Please ensure your child’s reading book and reading diary stay in your child’s plastic folder which comes to school every day so your child can read with an adult in school. We aim to listen to your child at least once a week.

Books will only be updated when your child can confidently read the words fluently.


This week, we are continuing to build and identify numbers to 20.

Challenge to complete at home:

Click on the link below and practice making numbers to 20 using the Numicon. Start with the ten Numicon and add 1. What number have we made? How do you know? What is one more? How can we represent this number?  Continue until you have made 20.


This half term, our topic is Animal Magic. We are reading the story Sonya’s Chickens and the children have learnt the life cycle of a chicken.



Next Wednesday, we have our DEAR Time at 2.45. We look forward to seeing those who are able to come.


Thank you for your continued support,

The EYFS Team.

Art Club

Last half term, Key Stage 2 art club followed an online tutorial by mural artist Rory McCann on how to paint a dragon’s eye. They used Rory’s work as inspiration for their own colour schemes. This netted a rainbow of dragons; from water to forest dragons and everything in between. These budding artists worked hard and created some amazing pieces that have received compliments from all who have seen them so far! It was lovely to see their pieces evolve each week. They will be taking their masterpieces home at the end of this half term as the photocopier didn’t do justice to their work.

I look forward to sharing this term’s work with you, though I may need a bigger board to display their work as there are 2 clubs following Rory’s tutorials: a phoenix eye and a space adventure!

Well done!

Mrs Evans

REAch2 Academy Trust
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