Creepy Crawlies and Cuddly Creatures!

Year 5 had a fantastic morning with the Exotic Zoo. They got to meet and handle many animals from the rainforest and desert. They listened brilliantly and shared all of their knowledge really well. Well done Year 5!

Oliver’s Vegetables

This week, we read Oliver’s Vegetables. In Literacy, the children wrote a sentence to express which vegetable they like the best. We have been very impressed by their super hard work this week and they have tried hard in all aspects of their learning. They enjoyed accessing the provision linked to this week’s story; especially hammering golf tees into a watermelon, to support their fine motor skills.

Mental Health Awareness Day

As 10th October is Mental Health Awareness Day, Miss S our ELSA created a mental health display in the corridor to remind the children of how to look after their own mental health.

Here is a photograph of our tree of worries and it is showing how sometimes it is ‘beautiful’ to let things go…

Funny Bones

This week, we read Funny Bones and discussed about how we keep our bodies healthy. In Maths, the children enjoyed applying their problem solving skills and made a square out of smaller squares. They also created a rocket out of different shapes and were challenged to name and describe their properties. In Literacy, the children have continued to learn to write recognisable letters, with some children writing their own sentences! Check out some pictures of some of the continuous provision the children had access to.

Rumble in the Jungle!

Year 5 had a great afternoon creating their own Rainforest themed computer game using Scratch3 with Mr Smith. They used some great problem solving skills to debug their programs when they were coding.

Senses Week

This week, we learnt about our senses and enjoyed exploring the provision. We were encouraged to: cut herbs to make our own soup; explore the smell of different spices; mix paint colours to observe what happens and much, much more! Well done Reception!


Base 11 and 12 planned and carried out their own investigations in science today. They controlled their variables and worked well in groups to set up their investigations. Well done Year 5!

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