Numbots & Times Tables Rock Stars – 26.05.2023

top users for each year group are:

Year 1: Zyra D, Evie P, Isla D-C

Year 2: Cara M-W, Willow C, Megan R

Year 3: Arnold A, Amelia S, Edward B

Year 4: Qais S, Jenna M-W, Alec-Maximus D

Year 5: Megan YTL, Alyssa H, Sabrina S

Year 6: Ruby H, Inayah S

Plants Lesson – 25/05/2023

Base 3 explored Forest School this morning to learn about trees, their leaves and some children took some bark rubbings too. This was a great way to learn about the different types of trees we have around school.

Friends of Apley Wood – Summer Fayre Planning

Summer Fayre planning afternoon, 2.30pm on 5th June.

Please come and join us for a coffee/tea and help us plan our Summer Fayre which will be held on 30th June.

We look forward to seeing you!

Author Visit

Today, we were visited by Sarah Griffiths, a local author, who read her new book to the children. They were captivated by her story and beautiful illustrations. The children behaved very well and we were very proud of their listening.

Attendance Figures 19.05.2023

Overall School attendance is 95%

Key Stage 1

Base 1 has the best attendance 100%

Key Stage 2

Base 13 has the best attendance 98%

Well done to Base 1 and 13 they have earned extra golden minutes this week

Lunchtime Supervisors Awards 19.05.2023

Congratulations to the following children who have received a Lunchtime Supervisor Award this week. This week’s children have been nominated by our wonderful Lunchtime Team:

Millie D, Alexandra S, Blake R, Macey-Mai M, Madison J,

Tobias L, Abigail M, Hope T, Olivia W, Sholah-Grace J,

Elna T, Solana S, Aria-Rose L, Georgia W, Annabell G, Reema C

Well done to everyone who received an award this week!

Great Job Ben!

Here is a photo of Ben taking part in the Wellington Community musical of Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dream Coat.

He’s been attending rehearsals since March and it was a great experience. Ben did two performances on Saturday 13th May to a full house and raising money for the local community.

Numbots & Times Tables Rock Stars 19.05.2023

top users for each year group are:

Year 1: Emily C-M, Evie P, Isla D-C

Year 2: Amelia P, Willow C, Theo C

Year 3: Arnold A, Rory P, Christopher D

Year 4: Qais S, Alec-Maximus D, Jenna M-W

Year 5: Megan YTL, Jacob K, Alyssa H

Year 6: Ruby H, Inayah S, Sydney M

Lunchtime Supervisors Award 12.05.2023

Congratulations to the following children who have received a Lunchtime Supervisor Award this week. This week’s children have been nominated by our wonderful Lunchtime Team:

Logan J, Carter S, Lilah R, Evie P, Charlie D, Logan L, Poppy M,

Naomi A, Kade S, Isabelle K, Archie W, Lewis A-W, Kian P,

Joules L, Joshua Y, Lily L, Manelle A

Well done to everyone who received an award this week!

Extended Day Awards 12.05.2023

Breakfast Club group of the week: Reception

Breakfast Club Stars of the week: Isabella S, Efosa I-V, Charlie S, Amal Y

Hub group of the week: Year 2

Hub Stars of the week: Archie W, Talliyah E, Betsy S-E, Daniel I-V

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