Into the Woods

It has been a lovely first week back and we have enjoyed listening all about the children’s holiday. This half term, our topic is called ‘Into the Woods’. We started the week by reading Little Red Riding Hood and the children have enjoyed accessing enhancements linked to the story within their independent learning time. Within Maths, we revised touch counting and encouraged accuracy.

Chester Zoo Visit

Year 2 had a fantastic day at Chester Zoo today. They had chance to see a range of animals that they had been learning about which was great fun! They were a credit to the school, with members of the public commenting on how well behaved they were! We are very proud – well done everyone!

Year 2 Trip – Chester Zoo on Wednesday 11th December

Children will need to wear uniform, sensible walking shoes & a warm waterproof coat. They need a packed lunch, unless one has been ordered from school & a rucksack with their water bottles. Any travel sickness worries, please let teachers know in the morning.

Thank you,

Miss Gilbert and Mrs Williams

Hour of Code – Base 3

Base 3 are enjoying their Hour of Code this afternoon using the Flappy Bird game. They are finding resolutions to problems, working as a team and showing great resilience. Well done!

REAch2 Academy Trust
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