Published on: 13th September, 2024

Newsletter – 13th September 2024


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Headteacher’s Message

We have had such a lovely week in school.  Our new behaviour curriculum is being followed, our amazing new library is being enjoyed and our reception children have settled in to school very quickly.

We have taken on board feedback about communication and have ensured that there are very clear systems in school.

We do have an open door policy and our class teachers will be available to talk to at the end of every day, except a Wednesday, which is our staff meeting day.  In the mornings, they wont be able to have meetings when they collect the children/open the door at the start of the day, but they can take quick messages.  Members of the leadership team and Mrs Mumford will also be available on the main playground at the start/end of the day.  If you wish to make an appointment with Mrs Thorpe as SENCO, please contact the office through the email address.  

Our website has a wealth of information on it and if you want to find out more about what your children are learning this year then please see the curriculum page. Letter and newsletters can be found by clicking on the orange parent area tab.  

As per our concern/complaints procedure, please follow the below procedures.

Complaint regarding another child. Please speak to the class teacher.
Complaint regarding a school policy or procedure. Please speak to the Assistant Headteacher (Mrs Williams) or Deputy Headteacher (Mrs Thorpe).
Complaint regarding a member of staff. Please speak to the Headteacher who may delegate this to a member of SLT.

We also have Mrs Garraway, our Early Years and KS1 leader, and Mrs Rowe, our KS2 Leader who can also be spoken to if myself, Mrs Thorpe or Mrs Williams are unavailable.

Well done to everyone who has received a Headteacher’s Award this week:

Colby J, Hamidah W, Emilia E, Arthur E, Faith D, Zara I, Oliver G, Solana S, Amelia H, Reggie H, Ariya R, Simon F, Jack C, Olivia T, Ronny H, Lily C, Willow S, Ben P,Charlie S, William C, Leah L, Jacob B, Amelie F, Rhema-Joelle S, Sophia S, Scarlett C and Wayne O

Diary Dates (13.09.2024)

Year 6 Bikeability – Group 1
Oct 1 – Oct 2 all-day
Year 3 – Parent DEAR Session
Oct 2 @ 2:45 pm – 3:00 pm
Year 6 Bikeability – Group 2
Oct 3 – Oct 4 all-day
Year 6 Bikeability – Group 3
Oct 7 – Oct 8 all-day
Pro Strike Fundraising Event
Oct 9 all-day
Year 6 Bikeability – Group 4
Oct 9 – Oct 10 all-day
Year 4 – Parent DEAR Session
Oct 9 @ 2:45 pm – 3:00 pm
Individual School Photographs
Oct 10 all-day
Year 2 Visit to Hoo Zoo
Nov 5 all-day
Year 1 Exotic Zoo Visitors (In school)
Nov 6 all-day

Reminder: Start and end time of the school day.

Please can we remind you that all children should be entering the school premises via the school playground and not via the school office at the start of the school day.  Class room doors open at 8.45am and close at 8.50am.  Any child arriving after this time must enter via the double doors off the playground, these doors will be open from 8.50am and will close at 9.00am.

Access to the school via the school office is by prior arrangement only and for children arriving after 9am.

Places at Breakfast Club and Afterschool Hub can be booked on Scopay up until midnight the day before.

Parents and carers are reminded that the school carpark is for staff and blue badge holders only and please be aware that there is a one way system in operation around the carpark.  When entering the carpark please follow the road round to the right.



Scopay payments (13.09.2024)

Please can all parents/carers ensure that their child’s Scopay account is paid up to date.  All Breakfast Club and Afterschool Hub places must be paid for at the time of booking, unless you have notified the office that you are paying by childcare vouchers.  Please ensure you book and pay for your child’s hot dinner or school packed lunch through Scopay.  We require 48 hours notice for school sandwich orders, forms are available in the school foyer.

Please contact the school office if you have any queries.  Thank you for your assistance.

Lunchtime Supervisor Award 13/09/24

Congratulations to the following children who have received a Lunchtime Supervisor Award this week. This week’s children have been nominated by our wonderful Lunchtime Team:

Penelope O-G, Wyatt R, Kenai Q, Jonah M, Nusaybah H, Oakley S, Isabelle S, Oliver R, Jason Z, Giulia M, Reuben S, Akintola A, Rania C, Zoha A, Ava A, Max I-C, Otto H, Base 2 and Base 11. 

Well done to everyone who received an award this week!

Safeguarding Squad

Safeguarding Squad

Apley Wood Primary Academy is very proud to introduce the new Safeguarding Squad.

The team met up with Mr Yardley on Wednesday to go through a range of things they would be looking at over the year and had their photos taken for the Safeguarding Squad display board. They also had their first team photo together and have been set the challenge of updating our anti bullying posters which will be displayed around school.

Hook into Writing- Dave’s Cave 10.9.24

Today, Year 3 went out into forest school for their English ‘Hook into Writing’ lesson. We listened to the story ‘Dave’s Cave’ which we are going to be focusing on before having a go at making our own Stone Age caves. We discussed the moral of the story as well as what makes a good place to settle.

Year 5 – Hook into Writing – 10.09.24

Today, Year 5 completed our ‘Hook into Writing’ activity.

In English, we are going to be writing Non-Chronological Reports about Space so we took the chance to use the iPads to find different constellations and planets in the solar system.

It was so interesting and lots of us saw some of the different star sign constellations and even found the Space Station!

Harvest Festival Donations (06.09.24)


We will be holding our Harvest Festival assembly on Monday 23rd September 2024.  This year we will be supporting Telford Crisis and we welcome donations of non-perishable food and toiletries on the 19th and 20th September 2024 – Thank you for your continued support.

Year 6 pupil Charity Fundraising

We are all very proud of James in year 6 who has completed some charity fundraising over the summer for TAARC (Telford African and Afro-Caribbean Resource Centre).  We worked with TAARC in school last year who delivered workshops about racism and black history month for our children and James chose to pogo stick for 30 minutes to raise additional funds for them.  Heather Reid from TAARC, came into school this week to present James with a certificate and found out that James is going to continue doing sponsored events for them, with a sponsored walk.  If you would like to sponsor James, please click on the link below:  James has said “I am walking the 14 miles of the Silkin way in Telford. This is to raise money for the charity TAARC who go into schools to provide workshops and support children who are facing racism. After having experienced racism, I want to raise awareness and make sure we stop racism full stop in our schools so other children don’t have to experience it. Please donate and help me make a difference.#StopRacismFullstop.”


Forest School (13.09.24)

Forest School

Apley Wood Primary Academy are really excited to be able to continue to offer forest school to the whole of our school.

The weather at the moment is really unpredictable and can be lovely and warm one moment and raining and cold the next.

If your child receives a letter saying they are having a forest school session, please check which date it is for and send them in with a coat. They don’t need to be in any other special clothing, a change of shoes is fine to bring too but other than that please send them in full school uniform.

If you are unsure of what they may need, please see the Forest School page on our website where Mr Yardley and Mrs Jones have put a list of things that could make learning outdoors more comfortable.

All students are encouraged to join in with Forest School sessions.

In a world where we are exposed to so much technology…

We want everyone to connect with nature.


Year 7 – Open Evenings for current Year 6 Pupils

Open evenings are being held on the following dates:

HLC – 26th September 2024 5pm – 8pm

Ercall Wood – 3rd October 2024 6pm – 8pm

Charlton – 10th October 2024 5pm – 8pm

Please contact the schools direct if you have any queries.