Published on: 19th July, 2024

Newsletter – 19th July 2024


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Headteacher’s Message

As we reach the end of another great year at Apley, I would like to thank you for your support this year.  We continue to develop and strive to be a great school and we couldn’t do that without our community support.  We have had some great experiences over the year and I would like to also take this opportunity to thank my whole staff team for their continued hard work and commitment to ensuring our children have great experiences and opportunities.  Some personal highlights for me include how well our Reception children have embraced their first year at school, our enrichment activities – forest school, young voices, London, Arthog, amazing visits including Warwick Castle and Barmouth and the fantastic shows and productions our children have delivered over this year. We are also excited by the further opportunities available through Reach2, that we will be able to participate in over the coming years.

Sadly, we say goodbye to some staff today:  Mrs Robinson, Miss Perks, Mrs Beardwood, Miss Edwards and Miss Lampitt are all leaving to pursue different opportunities and we would like to wish them the very best in the future.

To our Year 6 children, I always borrow words from Dr Seus, and say, ‘Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.’ They leave us with many happy memories, we hope they take these memories with them also,  and we know they are ready to take on the opportunities that secondary school will present to them. Right up to their last week with us, they have demonstrated great team work, responsibility and talent through their fantastic Leaver’s show, Sports day and coffee morning.  The whole Apley Team wish them the very best of luck for the future.

Wishing you all a lovely summer break.  Thank you again for your continued support.



Lunchtime Top Table Award 19/07/24

Congratulations to the following children who have received a Lunchtime Top Table Award this week. This week’s children have been nominated by our wonderful Lunchtime Team:

Kunashe M, Holly H, Fynn H, Emilia P, Gabby U, Isabella S, Taylor T, Aiden E, Imogen M, Emily C-M, Freddie P, Sophie C, Amina S, Harley W, Kim A, Avani M. 

Well done to everyone who received an award this week!

Numbots/ Timetable Rockstars 19/07/24

Top users for each year group are:

Year 1: Jaiden B, Lucas L, Harper W.

Year 2: Aibel E, Aiden E, Zyra D.

Year 3: Habibah K, Jack D, Bobby H.

Year 4: Amelia S, Arnold A. 

Year 5: Sunainah T, Finley B-D, 

Year 6: Alyssa H, Cyan M.

100% Attendance Certificate

Congratulations to the following children who have received an 100% Attendance Certificate

Ellie B, Edward B, Michelle A, Sasha H, Regan M, Avani M, Carter S, Lilly T, Joshua Y, Jessica W, Alfie W.

Well done! You are all Superstars!

A Big Thank You

Mrs Robinson has asked us to pass on her thanks for all the lovely cards, gifts and kind wishes she received yesterday on her last day.

Extended Day Care 19/07/24

Mrs Hall would like to say a big thank you for her lovely cards and gifts received in breakfast club and the hub it is greatly appreciated.

She would like to wish good luck to all of our year 6 children who are moving on and will be starting their next chapter in life.

Have a great summer everyone.

STEAM Week in Year 1 – Art 18.07.24

Year 1 have been busy with lots of art activities this week. They have enjoyed doing ‘Doodle a Day’ to music by Hans Zimmer, looked at a wide range of art by famous artists and developed their observational skills by sketching the lines and shapes that they could see. The children then put their art knowledge to use by drawing some fantastic self-portraits.

STEAM week in year one.- DT and Science. WB 16.07.24

We enjoyed dressing up for STEAM week on Monday. We have had fun doing science and DT, we loved the skittle experiment and making our sundials.

We have also looked at the life and achievements of Charles Darwin. We took part in the 5 a day workshop where we enjoyed learning about healthy food and tasting it.




Base 3 STEAM Activity – 17/07/24

Base 3 had great fun with their science experiment this afternoon. They tested different temperatures of water to see which one made the colour of the Skittles run the fastest. The hot water won!

Base 13 STEAM Project Update – 17.07.24

Year 5 have continued their STEAM project today.
In Base 13, we have started to paint our planets to match the colours of the different planets in the Solar System. We are so impressed with everyone’s determination and attention to detail.
Well done!

Year 3 STEAM dress up- 15.7.24

It was lovely to see such a range of STEAM careers represented yesterday by Year 3 children. We had a great morning discussing what a scientist does in their day to day job.

Impressive STEAM careers presentations

Base 14 produced and presented some absolutely fantastic posters yesterday. They researched a STEAM related career and a related scientist and then presented their findings to the class. Very impressive creativity – well done!

Kicking off STEAM week!

After the disappointment of the football result last night, what a Monday we have had! We have been blown away by the effort the children have made with their STEAM week costumes. We talked about where their costume fitted in with STEAM as well. Thank you for all your efforts supporting our special week in school. We are excited to see what other activities the week has in store!

STEAM week

To celebrate STEAM week, children from Reception to Year 6 have dressed up as famous scientists, astronauts and musicians!

Have a look at some of the amazing costumes from today!

5 a day!

Reception took part in a ‘5 a day’ workshop with Eat Well. They had the opportunity to try sweet potato, Broad beans, Cauliflower, Spinach, Beetroot, Radishes, Peaches, Blueberries and Honeydew melon. We were really impressed with how they all tried the food and we even found a few foods that we liked!

Fruit kebabs. 15.07.21

As part of our DT  topic year one made the fruit kebabs we had designed.

Teddy Bear’s Picnic

On Wednesday, Reception will be having a Teddy Bear’s Picnic as an end of year treat. The children can bring a teddy bear or a soft toy to school on this day. We will be making a small sandwich for them to eat at the picnic which will take place within our Reception outside area. If there are any changes to your child’s dietary requirements please do inform the office. The children do not need to bring anything else in for this. This will take place in the morning, so they will have their lunch as normal on this day.

Year 6 Prom

We hope our Year 6 enjoyed their prom.  We wish them all the very best in their new schools.

Dawley Wanderers football team sponsored walk 17/7/24

Several of the children from Apley Wood have completed a sponsored walk up the Wrekin for their football team, Dawley Wanderers. (Arthur E, Fletcher C, Harrison W, Jenson W, Lucas L and Joe D). They managed to raise over £500 and absolutely smashed it.

Online Safety- how to set up parental controls – video guides

Following on from the guidance about parental controls we shared recently, please see the link below for some how to guides for different apps and devices.