Published on: 12th July, 2024

Newsletter – 12th July 2024


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Headteacher’s Message

We have had a fantastic week! Well done to our Year 6 children for achieving great SATs results – we knew they could do it!  They celebrated with a visit to Cadbury World where they were complimented on their fabulous behaviour and manners.

Our sports days for Reception, Year1/2, Year 3/4 were a great success. Thank you to Mr Mountford, Miss Whitehouse, the staff, our work experience volunteers and the Charlton Students who helped us run them.  The children were amazing, demonstrating great team work, enthusiasm, resilience and very loud cheering! Unfortunately, we had to rearrange the Y5/6 sports day due to the wet field, but it has been rearranged for next Wednesday 17th April, 1.30pm.  Weather permitting!

In other news this week, I have to share that Mrs Robinson, Inclusion Mentor, will be leaving Apley on Thursday, next week after 11 years of support and commitment to our children and families.  Mrs Robinson has been a huge asset to our staff team and will be greatly missed. I am sure you will join me in thanking her for everything she has done over the years and wishing her well for the future.

Headteacher Awards:

Imogen M, Toby C, Rory D, Ami J-M, Reuben E, Jasmine H, Isla C, Arlo C, Amelia H, Jesse S, Ted B, Poppy M, Harry S, Esmae T, Fletcher C, Emilia E, Oliver G, Esmai D, Beatrix H, Taylor T, Ayden P, Amelia A, Spencer R, Cyrus D, Jason Z, and Emmie W. 

Wishing you a lovely weekend – fingers crossed for England on Sunday!

Diary Dates (12.07.24)

Year 6 Bikeability – Group 1
Oct 1 – Oct 2 all-day
Year 3 – Parent DEAR Session
Oct 2 @ 2:45 pm – 3:00 pm
Year 6 Bikeability – Group 2
Oct 3 – Oct 4 all-day
Year 6 Bikeability – Group 3
Oct 7 – Oct 8 all-day
Pro Strike Fundraising Event
Oct 9 all-day
Year 6 Bikeability – Group 4
Oct 9 – Oct 10 all-day
Year 4 – Parent DEAR Session
Oct 9 @ 2:45 pm – 3:00 pm
Individual School Photographs
Oct 10 all-day
Year 2 Visit to Hoo Zoo
Nov 5 all-day
Year 1 Exotic Zoo Visitors (In school)
Nov 6 all-day

Numbots/Times Table Rockstars 12/07/24

Top users for each year group are:

Year 1: Lucas L, Jaiden B, Harper W.

Year 2: Zyra D, Aibel E, Aiden E.

Year 3: Ronny B, Lily L, Jack D. 

Year 4: Bobby B, Arnold A, Emily B

Year 5: Sunainah T, Mehreen W, Jenna M-W

Year 6: Grace C.

Attendance 12/07/24

Overall School attendance is 94.1%

Key Stage 1

Base 2 has the best attendance 97.4%

Key Stage 2

Base 10 has the best attendance 97.4%

Well done to Base 2 and Base 10, they have earned extra golden minutes this week

Breakfast Club/Hub 12/07/24

Our lovely hub staff have chosen the following children to receive Star of the Week certificates:

Breakfast Club – Harleen P, Jacob K, Alicia L, Reuben M and Year 6.

Afterschool Club – Ronny H, Darcy C, Freddie P, Mimi A and Year 1.

Well done!

Lunchtime Supervisor Awards 12/07/24

Congratulations to the following children who have received a Lunchtime Supervisor Award this week. This week’s children have been nominated by our wonderful Lunchtime Team:

Alayah M, Isabelle P, Sasha H, Abigail S, Brooke B, Monty M, Amelia E, Emma B, Talliyah E, Luke-James S, Jasmine H, Amelia A, Simon F, Ashleigh P, Christopher D, Imogen D, Alicia L, Harper L, Base 3 and Base 11.

Well done to everyone who received an award this week!

Annual parent survey feedback – you said, we did.

Thank you for the overwhelmingly positive feedback in our annual parent survey this year.  With 100% agreeing that school is friendly and welcoming, 98% agreeing that we provide good support for learning to read, 95% recognising their childing are making good progress and 98% agreeing that we have high expectations and encourage children to do their best, we are delighted.  Your positive comments have been shard with the staff team.  We also acknowledge where we have some areas that we agree we need to improve or develop.  Please see below for our plans.  


You said…  We did… 

Whilst we had some positive comments about communication, we also had some comments that it could be better.   

We know we need to get better at this again and acknowledge that some communication has changed as we have joined the multi academy trust and our admin team are getting used to new systems and processes.  

 From September we will communicate in the following ways:  

Letters will be emailed, a copy put on the website for you to read and some copies will be available in the reception office area for you to collect.  

 Weekly newsletter will continue to be emailed and is also available on the newsletter page on the website for you to see the current and previous copies.  

 Text messages are very expensive for business use so we will no longer be sending regular text messages when we can use email and the website for free.  

 Please use the absence email to report any absences or call school before 8.30am.  If you send absence through the main admin email, it may not be picked up early in the school day, which could then result in an unnecessary phone call to check why the child is absent. 

 Social media – we do have a school twitter account, however, that does have limited use.  We will be working with the Reach2 marketing team to look at developing better/different social media accounts for school use over the next academic year.    

Curriculum– some year groups have more opportunities than other year groups.  

The curriculum seems more exciting in some year groups.   

We are excited to be taking on the Reach2 11b411 activities, which will be led across school by Miss Whitehouse from September, this will ensure all children have access to a high quality enrichment experiences across their time at Apley Wood Primary Academy. You can find out more about this on the link: 11 Before 11 – REAch2 Academy Trust 


We are also developing our Geography, History and Science curriculum further now that we have opportunity to network across more schools.  We will be adding some different history units for some year groups next year and every year group will begin learning about sustainability through our developments to our science and geography curriculums over the next academic year.  We will be ensuring we make use of our fantastic grounds with these developments.  More information about this will be available on the website as the changes are implemented.  



Whilst 90% agreed that either bullying is dealt with well or they/their children haven’t experienced it (which is great) we have received some comments that bullying isn’t dealt with.  

We have an extensive anti bullying curriculum through our PSHE (character education) curriculum, online safety curriculum, assembly offer and through our children’s safeguard squad.  We also teach the British values including respect and tolerance.  This is all linked to our three school rules of be ready, be respectful, be safe.   

When bullying occurs, it is dealt with in line with policy and logged on our behaviour monitoring system so a record is kept. Any significant behaviour incidents are reported to Governors and the Trust, half termly and the LA where suspensions are issued. 

 During the next academic year in addition to the above we will:  

Develop a clearer behaviour curriculum to work alongside our antibullying policy and positive behaviour policy.  

During anti bullying week in November we will hold a parent workshop about bullying – what it is, what it isn’t and how school deal with bullying.   



Scopay Accounts

Please can we ask that all outstanding balances are cleared on Scopay by Wednesday 17th July.  This includes all outstanding money owed for Afterschool Clubs, Dinner Accounts, Breakfast Club, The Hub and late payment charges.  If you settle your account by Childcare Vouchers please arrange for the payment to reach us by Wednesday 17th July 2024.

Please contact the school office should you have any queries about your child’s account.

Lost property 12/07/24

If any of the above items belong to your child, please collect them from the school office before Friday 19th July.  Any unclaimed items after this date will be rehomed.

Monster Madness Book

Our Extended Day provision have received their personal copy of Monster Madness book, which features children’s artwork from the Hub.

We are all very proud.

KS1 Author Visit – 09.07.24

Key Stage 1 were visited by Samantha Fletcher-Goodwin this morning. She shared her story “Glow From the Inside” which carried an important message – it is what is on the inside that counts and makes you who you are, not what you look like. The children really enjoyed her story and the activity of designing a wig for a lion who lost his mane.

Reception Sports Day!

On Monday, reception took part in their first Sports Day at Apley Wood. Everyone tried their best in all of the activities and we are incredibly proud of their efforts. Well done to all the grown ups who took part in the races at the end! A wonderful afternoon filled with fun!

Sports Day. 8.07.24

Year one had a great time doing their races on sports day. Everyone took part and did well – we were lucky with the weather too!

Year 2 Sports Day – 08.07.2024

Year 2’s Sports Day was brilliant! All the children tried their best and showed excellent sportsmanship. A big thank you to all the parents who came and showed their support and to those who took part in the parents races. It was great to see everyone getting involved.

Year 3 and 4 Sports’ Day

Despite the gathering clouds, the drizzling rain and umbrellas going up all around, the year 3 and 4 sports’ day went ahead with enormous success: so much so that by the end, the rain had disappeared.

The children gave their all to the field and track events and there was great success, achievement and fun all around. We definitely have some future archers and javelin throwers in our midst.

Thank you so much to everyone who came along and supported the children, even in the not-so glorious summer weather.

A Big Thank You

Thank you to all parents who have donated or bought cakes over the last couple of weeks. The bake sales were extremely popular with both staff and children. With the sale of books and uniform also, we have raised over £400 for school.

As an end of term treat the ice-cream van will be on the playground at home time on the last day of term.

They make a generous donation to school, so why not treat yourselves.

Thank you for your support.     

Year 6 Prom 16/07/24

Year 6 Prom

T&W Libraries Summer Hoilday Activities

A local event.

Green Festival 27/07/2024

A local event.

Summer Football Camp

A local event.

Summer of Endless Fun 24

A local event.

Fordhall Organic Farm 12/7/24

A local event

Lunchbox Workshop 20/08/24

A local event.