Published on: 24th June, 2024

Newsletter – 21st June 2024


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Headteacher’s Message (21.06.2024)

Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher’s award today:

Simon F, Harley W, Jensen E, Hollie M, Willow S, Arthur A, Base 3, Kaden J, Cassie H, Mohamad K, Kane L, Arabella G, Edie G, George M, Tali-Sian, Bobby B, Annabell G, Arwin V, Edward B, Jake N, Rhema-Joelle S, Base 4, Base 13, Jack T, Julia J, Arianna A, Kaleb B.

Have a lovely weekend.

Diary Dates (21.06.2024)

Year 6 Bikeability – Group 1
Oct 1 – Oct 2 all-day
Year 3 – Parent DEAR Session
Oct 2 @ 2:45 pm – 3:00 pm
Year 6 Bikeability – Group 2
Oct 3 – Oct 4 all-day
Year 6 Bikeability – Group 3
Oct 7 – Oct 8 all-day
Pro Strike Fundraising Event
Oct 9 all-day
Year 6 Bikeability – Group 4
Oct 9 – Oct 10 all-day
Year 4 – Parent DEAR Session
Oct 9 @ 2:45 pm – 3:00 pm
Individual School Photographs
Oct 10 all-day
Year 2 Visit to Hoo Zoo
Nov 5 all-day
Year 1 Exotic Zoo Visitors (In school)
Nov 6 all-day

Reminder: The start and end of the school day

Please can we remind you that all children should be entering the school premises via the school playground and not via the school office at the start of the school day.  Class room doors open at 8.45am and close at 8.50am.  Any child arriving after this time must enter via the double doors off the playground, these doors will be open from 8.50am and will close at 9.00am.

Access to the school via the school office is by prior arrangement only and for children arriving after 9am.

We are seeing an increased number of children not being collected on time at 3.15pm.  From Monday 24th June we are no longer able to provide a ‘late table’ within the hub. Any child not collected from their classroom at 3.15pm will be brought down to the office and will wait on the chairs  outside Mrs Smith’s office.

Places at the afterschool hub can be booked up until midnight the day before should this provision be required.


School uniform sales

We hope that this information may be of use to you!

Government changes to attendance guidance from August.

Soft Toys Request – 16.07.24

During this half term, we have begun to completely redesign our school library  to make it a really exciting and inviting space for children to use to celebrate their enjoyment and success in reading; swap books and enjoy DEAR time. We are going to be having a woodland theme. We would still really appreciate any donations of woodland-themed soft toys that you may have such as owls, squirrels and rabbits etc. Please drop any donations that you may have this term in to the school office.

Many thanks for your support.

Show Racism the Red Card

Show Racism the Red Card


The Safeguarding Squad did an excellent job talking to the whole school in this mornings assembly all about how racism is not only harmful and can affect others but also how it will not be tolerated whether that is in or out of school.


These messages have then since been sent around to classes where Teachers, HLTA’s, TA’s and Lunchtime Supervisors can all be sharing the same messages.


“We are each wonderful and unique, But together we are a masterpiece!”

Well done Safeguarding Squad!

Trip to the zoo!

We were so excited for our first school trip this week. All members of staff were incredibly proud of all the children, their behaviour was outstanding and they really represented the school brilliantly! We got up close with lots of animals such as millipedes, a Tenrec, a Treefrog, a Chameleon and an Armadillo! We also walked around the zoo and looked at lots of different animals. There were some very snoozy children on the coach ride home! Well done Base one and two!