Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

Reception and year one phonics workshop

Please find attached a letter regarding the reception and year one phonics workshop. This is an introduction to how we teach phonics at our school and how you can support your child at home.

parents meeting letter

See previous messages & posts

Useful Websites

Numbots – Children to use this regularly for their Maths homework.

Amazing ICT – Mr Smith will be updating frequently with new activities.

Purple Mash

BBC Schools – Primary Ages 4 – 11

BBC Bitesize


Times Table Rockstars

Oxford Owl – Fun ideas for learning at home

Phonics Play


ICT games – a great website for English and maths games for children to use at home.


Class Showcase
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Year 1 Forest School 19.09.24
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Year 1 Reading
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Welcome back Year 1

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Year 1 Forest School 19.09.24
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Year 1 Reading
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Welcome back Year 1
See more Showcase Items

Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

Year 1 Phonics practice

Dear parents/carers,

Today your child has brought home a set of phonics sounds and words in their reading diary. They will receive a new set of words every Friday which are linked to the sounds your child has been learning during their phonics lessons each week. In order to support your child with their reading, please can they practise reading all the words. Please encourage them to use ‘Special Friends, Fred Talk, Read the Word’ to sound out and blend any words that they are not sure of.

Please note that these words are to practise reading. The children do not need to know how to spell the words.

Many thanks,

Year 1 Team

See previous homework

Class Spellings Open this to see the latest spellings


For the next two weeks please help your child learn to spell year one common exception words.

There will be no spelling test next Friday but the following week there will be a test

of random words from the list below.

Common Exception words

See previous spellings

Remote Learning Open this to see the latest remote learning

Year 1 – Snow Day

Hi everyone,

We hope you have a wonderful day in the snow today. If you would like to keep busy doing some of these activities, we would love to see them next week when we are back at school.

Stay safe everyone!

Mrs Edwards and Mrs Gould

Draw a Snow Selfie

Snow Day Activities

Snow Day Challenges

Snow Mindfulness Colouring

Spot the Difference

What I can see outside my window

Winter and Snow Checklist

WInter Colouring

See previous remote learning

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.