SEND provision July 2023

Thank you to the parents of SEND pupils, who completed our SEND questionnaire recently.  This was part of our recent SEND review with our attached advisor on 13th June.  Our advisor looked at SEND provision within all classrooms, looked at pupil work, talked to pupils and staff and reviewed the parent questionnaire results. We have now received the feedback and are really pleased that the inclusive nature of our school and hard work of our staff was supported and recognised.  The identified strengths and areas for development are detailed below:


  • Leaders are ambitious for the provision and progress of pupils with SEND: they have applied for funding to enhance the building in order to improve provision and make the environment more suitable to pupils with sensory needs.
  • Provision for pupils with SEND is a priority for the school, particularly since the context of the school is changing and a higher proportion of pupils present with SEND needs. The number of pupils with Education, Health and Care plans (EHCP) has increased significantly.
  •  Provision for pupils with SEND is seen as the responsibility of all, and all SLT roles include SEND.
  • The Headteacher is also involved with SEND provision within the Local Authority and chairs the Inclusive School Forum panel.
  • Teaching Assistants are deployed effectively to support pupils with SEND.
  • The impact of continuing professional development this academic year means staff are better able to meet needs of learners with SEND.
  • Curriculum is ambitious for learners with SEND.
  • Personalised resources are in place where needed.
  • Evidence of tailored, targeted support including pre teaching and opportunities for additional practice, when required. 
  • The majority of parents of children with SEND are happy with SEND provision.
  • The majority of parents of children with SEND are happy that they can discuss their child’s needs and provision with the class teachers or the Senco.


  • Some parents, would like more opportunities to talk face to face about their Child’s SEND needs so we will offer more opportunities for parents to discuss SEND pupil individual provision maps (IPMs).  From September, there will be opportunity for a face to face meeting with the class teacher, 6 times per year for our send pupils.  Opportunities to meet with the SENCO will be available on request via the school email, or through an appointment booked during our parent consultation evenings.
  • As a school, we will continue to work with external agencies to develop the provision for children with more complex needs or those with Social, Emotional or Mental Health needs. (SEMH).

Thank you for your continued support.  If you have any questions, please contact the office to arrange to speak with Mrs E Smith (Headteacher) or Mrs Y Thorpe (Deputy Headteacher/SENCO).

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By Mrs Smith
