Published on: 8th September, 2023

Newsletter 8th September 2023


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Headteacher’s Message

Welcome back to everyone and a special welcome to our new families who are joining us this year.  I’d like to welcome some new members of staff this term too:

Miss Lampitt – Year 6 teacher

Mrs Stinson – Year 5 teacher

Miss Perks – Year 5 teacher

Mr Spragg – Year 4 teacher

Mrs Garraway – Reception teacher.

We are delighted to have them join the Apley team.

We have also appointed Mrs Caroline Pollock as our new senior administrator.  Some of you may already know Caroline as a parent and school Governor and we are delighted to have her join the Apley staff team.  She will be starting with us on 18th September.

We also have two new members of our Leadership team this year.  Mrs Garraway, is the phase leader for Early Years and Key Stage 1.  Miss Whitehouse (Y6 teacher) is taking on a secondment to be our KS2 phase leader this year.  I am delighted to have them as part of our senior leadership team alongside myself, Mrs Thorpe (Deputy Headteacher) and Mrs Williams (Assistant Headteacher).  Please do contact any of us if you have any concerns.

We do have an open door policy and our class teachers will be available to talk to at the end of every day, except a Wednesday, which is our staff meeting day.  In the mornings, they wont be able to have meetings when they collect the children/open the door at the start of the day, but they can take quick messages.  Members of the leadership team and Mrs Robinson will also be available on the main playground at the start/end of the day.  If you wish to make an appointment with Mrs Thorpe as SENCO, please contact the office through the A2190 email address.

Our website has a wealth of information on it and if you want to find out more about what your children are learning this year then please see the curriculum page.

From the home page, click the green Discover our school tab and then learning.  You can look at different subject areas and see the curriculum topics for each year group by clicking on curriculum overviews.

You will also find out information specific to your child’s year group on the class pages.  From the home page, click the blue classrooms tab.

In other exciting news, I am sure you will join us in saying congratulations to Mrs Rowe and her husband on the safe arrival of a baby boy over the summer.  Both are doing very well.

Wishing you all a good weekend.

Mrs E Smith

Parent DEAR time Dates

During the autumn term, we will once again be holding DEAR time open door sessions (Drop Everything And Read) for you to come into school, spend some relaxed time with your child at the end of the school day and either listen to them read, read to them or even read together.

Each session will take place between 2:45pm and 3:05pm.

Year 6 – Wednesday 20th September

Year 5 – Wednesday 27th September

Year 4 – Wednesday 4th October

Year 3 – Wednesday 25th October

Year 2 – Wednesday 8th November

Year 1 – Tuesday 21st November

EYFS – Tuesday 5th December

Parent contact details

Please ensure we have your correct contact details.  We are receiving a number of ‘undelivered mail’ messages when we send out letters by email.  This could be because your mailbox is full or because the email address we have is incorrect.  If you have not received emails from us this week, please contact the office to check that we have the correct email address.

Thank you for your continued support.

Online Safety Newsletter September 2023

Click below for the latest edition of the online safety newsletter.  This month contains advice about back to school photo’s, Threads and Roblox.

Online Safety Newsletter September 2023_PDF_Apley Wood

Year 1 Faces WB 04.09.23

Year 1 enjoyed making their own faces this morning for our display in the shared area. You will be able to see our lovely display during our parents consultations in October.

We will be using our faces tomorrow to do some writing about our facial features.




PLATINUM School Games Mark Award

Exciting news!

We have been awarded the PLATINUM level for the School Games mark.  This is in recognition that we have achieved the Gold award consistently over the last 4 years at least, and demonstrate a full commitment to creating positive engagement with physical activity, across different parts of the school day and ensuring a range of engagement for all children in our school.

This is a fantastic achievement and a huge thanks to all of the staff , children and families for supporting this, but particularly Miss Whitehouse and Mr Mountford for planning our opportunities for physical engagement both within the school day and in extra curricular activities.

Outstandingly Happy School!

We are delighted to have been awarded Outstandingly Happy School status by The Art of Brilliance team.  This is a result of the hard work of children and staff in developing a positive culture, that supports well being and positivity around school and we are the first school in Telford to have achieved this.  The team delivered CPD for staff in January 2022, then workshops with Year 3, 4 and 5 last September and their mental wealth curriculum was embedded into our whole school curriculum through our Character Education lessons, wider school opportunities and our assembly offer over the academic year.

We are delighted to have been recognised for the positive culture in our school community and look forward to continuing this, over the next academic year.

The full report will be shared with parents this week.


Year 3 football

Year 3 had a great time yesterday starting their new football topic. We practised our penguin feet and dribbling. 


PE timetable

Diary Dates

Year 6 Bikeability – Group 1
Oct 1 – Oct 2 all-day
Year 3 – Parent DEAR Session
Oct 2 @ 2:45 pm – 3:00 pm
Year 6 Bikeability – Group 2
Oct 3 – Oct 4 all-day
Year 6 Bikeability – Group 3
Oct 7 – Oct 8 all-day
Pro Strike Fundraising Event
Oct 9 all-day
Year 6 Bikeability – Group 4
Oct 9 – Oct 10 all-day
Year 4 – Parent DEAR Session
Oct 9 @ 2:45 pm – 3:00 pm
Individual School Photographs
Oct 10 all-day
Year 2 Visit to Hoo Zoo
Nov 5 all-day
Year 1 Exotic Zoo Visitors (In school)
Nov 6 all-day