Published on: 3rd February, 2023

Newsletter 3rd February 2023


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Message from the Headteacher 03.02.2023

Last Friday, we took a group of 50 KS2 children to the Young Voices concert in Birmingham and it was an absolute pleasure to share the experience with them.  Their behaviour was exemplary, they threw themselves into the experience and they were all a real credit to the school. A huge thanks to the staff who gave up their Friday night to take them and to all the parents and carers who supported us.

Next week, we have our Healthy Body, Healthy Mind week which includes Children’s Mental Health Week and Safer Internet day and all classes will be taking part in a range of activities to support these themes. The theme for safer internet day this year, is making space for conversations about life online.  This is a really important focus this year, as we do experience issues in school that have started with online gaming or social media chat groups where children are confusing the virtual world with reality or behaving in a manner online that they would not do face to face.  The link below has some very useful parent resources to support conversations with your children about what they are doing when online.

Well done to everyone who has received a Headteacher Award this week, I am very proud of them all:

Lucas T, Zoha A, Reuben P, Erin T, Zara I, Edie G, Esmai D, Madison J,

Zyra-Rose D, Rabia A, Lyla S, Lucas P, Sophie C, Jake T, Charlotte C, Hope T,

Amelia A, Adrian K, Alex M, Blanka P, Cara M-W, Fouad A, Logan B, Sophie C

Have a great weekend.

Mrs E Smith

Times Tables Rock Stars 03.02.2023

This week’s 1st, 2nd, and 3rd top users for each year group are:

Year 1: Isla D-C, Hukam M, Harry C

Year 2: Fouad A, Ivan K, Emanuel K

Year 3: Arnold A, Gabby U, Amelia E,

Year 4: Sunainah T, Jenna M-W, Mehreen W

Year 5: Megan YTL, Sabrina S, Alyssa H

Year 6: Adrian K, Blanka P, Kaitlyn D

Year 3 Art Workshop

Year 3 have had a fantastic morning at our Art workshop. We learnt how to paint clouds onto our landscape backgrounds in the style of John Constable. Our paintings of the Wrekin are looking amazing!

Extended Day Awards 03.02.2023

Breakfast Club group of the week: Year 1

Breakfast Club Stars of the week: Poppy M, Imogen M, Amelia A, Alicia L

Hub group of the week: Year 6

Hub Stars of the week: Jessica W, William K, Jackson H, Taliyah E

SEND Drop In for Families

Parents, Carers & Families

A new SEND Drop In has been arranged, it provides and opportunity for parents, carers and young people to talk to a SEND Officer.

Time: Every Monday 1pm – 4pm

Venue: Youth Hub (Floor 2), Southwater One, Southwater Square, Southwater Way, Telford, TF4 4JG

Attendance Figures 03.02.2023

Overall School attendance is 94.5%

Key Stage 1

Base 1 has the best attendance 94.6%

Key Stage 2

Base 13 has the best attendance 95.6%

Well done to Base 1 and 13 they have earned extra golden minutes this week

Year 4 Arthog Outreach – 31/1/23

Over the last few weeks, Year 4 have really been enjoying their visits to Arthog Outreach. They conquered their fears and showed fantastic resilience by scaling the climbing walls. Some children even managed to climb to the top blindfolded. They also showed super teamwork skills by escaping the elastic. Well done Year 4 and a big thank you to the Arthog Outreach team.

Lunchtime Supervisor Awards 03.02.2023

Congratulations to the following children who have received a Lunchtime Supervisor Award this week. This week’s children have been nominated by our wonderful Lunchtime Team:

Ruben D, Araya K, Isla D-C, Georgia P, Lois A, Elijah J, Freddie P, Zayn K, 

Sophie O, Noah E, Oliver W, Megan YTL

Well done to everyone who received an award this week!

Multicultural assembly 30.1.2023

Thank you so much to Simerpreet from the Oakengates Gurdwara who taught our children a range of information about Sikhism. It was fascinating for children of different or no faiths as well as familiar and comforting to children who share the same faith as Simerpreet. We enjoy opening our children’s eyes to the wider world and exploring how people live their lives.  Thank you also to Mrs Richards for organising this opportunity. 

Diary Dates

Year 6 Bikeability – Group 1
Oct 1 – Oct 2 all-day
Year 3 – Parent DEAR Session
Oct 2 @ 2:45 pm – 3:00 pm
Year 6 Bikeability – Group 2
Oct 3 – Oct 4 all-day
Year 6 Bikeability – Group 3
Oct 7 – Oct 8 all-day
Pro Strike Fundraising Event
Oct 9 all-day
Year 6 Bikeability – Group 4
Oct 9 – Oct 10 all-day
Year 4 – Parent DEAR Session
Oct 9 @ 2:45 pm – 3:00 pm
Individual School Photographs
Oct 10 all-day
Year 2 Visit to Hoo Zoo
Nov 5 all-day
Year 1 Exotic Zoo Visitors (In school)
Nov 6 all-day