Improving punctuality and safety – September 2023

In order to ensure a safe and efficient start to the school day, from September, we are making some slight changes to our morning procedures. The school gates will continue to open at 8.35am.

Children will be able to enter school at 8.45am.  Classroom doors will be closed at 8.50am.  After this time, children will need to enter school through the double playground doors off the main playground.

The gates to the entrances will be closed by 9am, please exit the school site swiftly to ensure the gates can be closed on time and our site is secure.  Anyone arriving after this time, will need to enter school through the main reception office.

The class teachers will close the school registers by 9am to ensure a prompt start to the first lesson of the day.

Thank you for your continued support.

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By Mrs Smith
