Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

We hope you all had a great summer holiday and are looking forward to coming back to school and starting your time in Year 5.

We have lots of exciting things planned for you this year and we can’t wait to get started with you this term.

Our PE days this year will be Tuesday and Thursday.

We will be setting homework every Friday and this will be due in and marked the following Friday.

Spellings will be given on a Friday, definitions will be discussed on a Monday and these will be tested on a Friday.

Mrs Stinson and Mrs Rowe

See previous messages & posts

Useful Websites

Amazing ICT – Mr Smith will be updating frequently with new activities.

Purple Mash

BBC Schools – Primary Ages 4 – 11

BBC Bitesize


Times Table Rockstars

Oxford Owl – Fun ideas for learning at home




Class Showcase
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Year 5 – Hook into Writing – 10.09.24
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Year 5 – A Great Start!
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Welcome to Year 5!

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Year 5 – Hook into Writing – 10.09.24
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Year 5 – A Great Start!
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Welcome to Year 5!
See more Showcase Items

Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

Year 5 Spellings and Homework 6th September 2024

SPAG Booklet pages – p4 (Nouns) p5 (Verbs)

Spellings are:

These will be marked and tested next Friday (13th September).

See previous homework

Class Spellings Open this to see the latest spellings

Year 5 Spellings and Homework 6th September 2024

SPAG Booklet pages – p4 (Nouns) p5 (Verbs)

Spellings are:

These will be marked and tested next Friday (13th September).

See previous spellings

Remote Learning Open this to see the latest remote learning

No remote learning to show at the moment.

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.