Weekly Spellings

The weekly spellings for next week (12th – 16th September) are:


Remember: there will be some ‘mystery spelling words’ following the same spelling rules!

Welcome to Year 6

Good morning Year 6!

We are very much looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and we can’t wait to have you back in school. We hope that you have had a lovely summer break.

Here are a few things that you will need to know on your return:

  • Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday – please come to school in your PE kit on these days.
  • We will still be washing our hands regularly throughout the day.
  • Lockers will be being used however please ensure you are only bringing essential items such as a coat, lunchbox, a water bottle and reading book/record.
  • Reading books will be sent home daily.
  • Homework (maths, SPAG and spelling) will be sent home every Friday and it needs to be returned by the following Friday.
  • Your first homework will be given on Friday 9th September.

See you all tomorrow 🙂

Miss Morgan and Miss Whitehouse

Year 6 Homework

In year 6, homework is given out weekly. Homework will be given out on a Friday and will need to be completed and returned by the following Friday.

Each week you will get:

  • Maths and SPAG (English) homework – a CGP book will given to you to complete. You will be asked to complete a selection of pages each week.
  • Spellings will be sent home on a Friday to be practised daily.
  • Times Table Rockstars – to be completed throughout the week. Certificates will be given out on a Friday.
  • You will still have a MyMaths login if you want to do any extra maths practise although no individual tasks will be assigned as you will be completing the CGP maths homework book.
  • Reading books will go home everyday – you get 5 house points for every three times that you read at home.