Year 5 Spellings W3

Here are your spellings for this week. Your test will be on Friday 24th November.

Week 2 – Homework and Spellings

CPG – Homophones – Page 94

My Maths –

Spelling –

Week 8 Homework

CPG – SPAG Homework – Due Friday 13th October – Complete Page 39

My Maths – Due Friday 27th October– This has been set but I have attached the link for you in case-

Spellings – Week 6

Here are next week’s spellings for you to practise. Your spelling test will be on Friday 13th October.

Spellings – Week 5

Here are next week’s spellings for you to practise. Your spelling test will be on Friday 6th October.

Spellings – Week 4

Here are next week’s spellings for you to practise. Your spelling test will be on Friday 29th September.

Spellings – Week 3

Here are next week’s spellings for you to practise. Your spelling test will be on Friday 22nd September.


Spellings – Week 2


Here are next week’s spellings for you to practise. Your spelling test will be on Friday 15th September.