Weekly timetable w/c 14th November

Please find the weekly timetable for week 10 below.

Week 10

Year 5 DT Soups

On Thursday 17th and Friday 18th of November, Year 5 will be completing their DT soup project. All equipment and ingredients will be provided by school. If your child could bring an apron (or similar) in on these days it would be beneficial, however there will be some aprons in school for children to use if needed.

A letter will go home today for parents to notify us of any food allergies your child may have. Please complete this by Monday 14th November.

Dates for Autumn Term 2

A reminder that the Exotic Zoo will be visiting Year 5 on Thursday 24th of November in the morning. We hope that the children will really enjoy this experience and that they learn lots of new things for their Science and Geography topics.


To celebrate Black History Month, Year 5 had the pleasure of attending a workshop that explored the history of the British Empire, the Commonwealth and equality in modern society.