Weekly Challenge – X Marks the Spot.

Another Monday brings another weekly challenge! We hope you are all safe and well and ready to take on a brand new task.

This week, we would like you to create a treasure hunt either around your house or garden. Your hunt should have numbered clues hidden different in locations, as well as a prize of your choice for your lucky participants to find as their reward. You could give your treasure hunt a theme with questions that match this  – the Vikings, Space, Maths problems, riddles, rhyming – it’s up to you! Then, ask someone in your household to take part. Will they succeed or have to walk the plank?

Below are some useful resources and steps to help you create your hidden hunt but we know you will have some fantastic ideas as always.

  1. Pick your theme.
  2. Write some clues with numbers.
  3. Hide your clues in number order (make the locations link to your answers).
  4. Hide your treasure at the end.
  5. Send your participants on their way!



Please keep sending your photos of all the exciting things you have been up to into the school email. We love seeing all the hard work you have put in and your smiling faces.

VE Day celebrations

The children had a fantastic time celebrating VE Day today. They had a really fun-filled day creating bravery medals for people of their choice, decorating tea-cups and launching planes to celebrate the end of the war. They all worked really hard and had smiles on their faces the whole time! Happy VE Day everybody!

Home Learning Update

Ethan has been enjoying the lovely weather by spending time in Apley Woods, playing hide and seek and climbing trees. It’s lovely to see your bright smile, Ethan – keep it up!

VE Day

As VE Day is approaching tomorrow, here is a Free VE Day Podcast from History Storytime.

Sophie (aged 7) and Ellie (aged 4) are sad to be missing the VE Day celebrations because of the Coronavirus. They had been planning a VE Day street party but now they are trapped at home. So with their Daddy they tell the story of the VE Day celebrations. They learn how awful World War 2 had been. They understand just how relieved ordinary people were to put it all behind them. They get swept up in the VE Day Party atmosphere of 75 years ago.


Home Learning

This week, Georgia has been learning all about the artist Pablo Picasso. She has created her own explanation text and surrealist paintings. Georgia has also managed to keep up with her cheer leading training by making use of online training. Keep it up Georgia!


Ethan has been using the ‘Arts for kids club’ on YouTube to create some absolutely fantastic pictures! I am really impressed.

Free STEM Activities (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)

Leanne Mee, the Managing Director of the STEM Workshop, has emailed schools to inform them of STEM activities she is doing online for everyone.

Leanne created a bank of prerecorded activities which are all accessible via Kids You Tube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5LL4_akNrPr2fKT6EGCuBw?view_as=subscriber

You Tube Tutorials 

Leanne has created a range of short focused activities (as tutorials) that the children can get involved in using materials that you they find in and around the home. The tutorials are all linked to the STEM curriculum.

The tutorials she has created so far focus on: Computer Aided Design, Mechanisms (joining materials and components to explore movement) and structures. They can be followed step by step, but she encourages everyone to explore and experiment with size and materials etc.

She is adding a new tutorial every Monday, and is working to create ones that can be carried out at home but will also have more complex ones too. Leanne said it would be wonderful if the children wanted to share ideas with her of what type of products or themes they would like to see, and she will happily mention and credit them for their idea.


Every month Leanne is planning on setting a challenge with a prize attached to make it a little more fun and engaging.

This months challenge is to design and make the tallest freestanding structure, details of this can be found on The STEM Workshop, You Tube Channel (above). You will find the challenge, the criteria and date the entry needs to be submitted.

Entries to be submitted as either a photo or a video:

Date of submission – Friday 29th May 

Winner Announced – Monday 1st June

It would be great to see some STEM projects being completed at home and for children from Apley Wood, competing with other children from other schools in the area.

If you complete any STEM activities, please send over your photographs to me and I can upload them onto the website for all to see – helen.gilbert@taw.org.uk

Good luck and stay safe!

Miss Gilbert

Home Activities

It’s great to see how you are keeping yourselves busy at home and how varied your activities are. Lucy has clearly been organising her day very well!


Weekly Challenge – Viking Voyages

We hope you are all well and ready to take on a new weekly challenge.

This week, we would like you to create your own Viking longboat fit for the voyages of these formidable invaders. You could draw your design on paper or you could make a model from materials you have in the house. For an extra challenge, could you create a Viking longboat that floats in water?


We have loved the photos you have already sent in of your weekly challenges so keep them coming in this week via the school email (remember to add “Year 5 weekly challenge” into the subject). We will post the photos on the school website by Friday.