Spelling Homework

Don’t forget that weekly spellings are available on the year group class spelling pages. The children will now be bringing their spellings home on a Friday in their reading record to copy out at home ready to take their reading record back to school on a Monday.

Autumn Homework

All homework will now be set on a Friday to be returned (or completed if it’s online e.g. My Maths) by the following Friday. 

  • Spellings will be stuck into reading records for the children to practise at home. (They will not have to bring their practice work back into school.)
  • SPAG homework will be a set page from their own designated CGP SPAG homework book.
  • MyMaths will be set and completed online.
  • The children will each have a reading book which will stay in school during the week and go home on a Friday to then be brought back in on the following Monday.

The first homework will be set on Friday 11th September.

Reading and Writing Resources – w/c 29th June

In addition to White Rose Maths, MyMaths and TT Rock stars, please find some Reading and Writing resources for w/c 29th June to use as you would like below:


Term 2 Reading Assessment Booklet Marking Scheme (to mark your answers)

Term 2 Reading Assessment Booklet (texts to read before answering your questions)

Term 2 Reading Assessment Answer Booklet (with questions to answer)




Reading and Writing Resources – w/c 22nd June

In addition to White Rose Maths, MyMaths and TT Rock stars, please find some Reading and Writing resources for w/c 22nd June to use as you would like below:


Year-5-Reading-Assessment-Answer-Booklet (with questions and answer spaces)

Year-5-Reading-Assessment-Marking-Scheme (to mark your answers)

Year-5-Reading-Assessment-Reading-Booklet (texts to read before answering the questions)



Weekly Challenge for 1st, 8th and 15th of June – Illustrate the Ickabog!

J.K. Rowling has written a new children’s book called “The Ickabog” which is being released online in instalments, over several weeks, a chapter at a time.

However, so far, the online book doesn’t have any illustrations! J.K. Rowling is publishing a hard copy of the book later this year and has set readers a challenge: to illustrate her story to be published in the book.

Your challenge for the next three weeks will be to read the daily instalments of “The Ickabog” and use your imagination and creativity to create some illustrations for this section of the story. You could keep them for yourself, email them into school or enter the online competition using the link below on the website.

Here’s the link to the story: https://www.theickabog.com/read-the-story/ . The first two chapters are called ‘King Fred the Fearless’ and ‘The Ickabog’. You could illustrate the settings, characters, first key events – there’s some great metaphors and similes in these chapters so be as creative as you can! You could draw your illustrations using pencils or crayons, or you could event paint them.