Rainforest Homework Project

Please see below for this term’s year 5 homework project.

Autumn project – Rainforest

Homework Project

As we are trying to limit what you are bringing in to school, please can you take a photograph/s of your project instead of bringing it in. You will still be able to present your project to the class but will use the photograph/s rather than the project itself. We will display your photograph/s on the whiteboard, as you’re presenting your project, so please can you ask your parents to email us your photograph/s at:

B12: rebecca.richards@taw.org.uk

B14: jess.plant@taw.org.uk

The project hand-in date remains the same so please email your project photograph/s to us by that date.



Year 5 Online Learning Timetable

Good Morning,

Please use the link below for any children who are learning from home during 19th-23rd October in year 5.

19th Oct Timetable