PE days

On fully opening, year 5 PE days will be Wednesday and Friday afternoons.

Please remind the children that they will need to come to school in their kit on those days.


NSPCC ‘Speak Out Stay Safe’ assembly

Please watch this virtual assembly, presented by Ant, Dec and David Walliams, on behalf of the NSPCC’s “Speak Out Stay Safe” message.

The assembly is a brilliant reminder of the importance of talking about your worries (e.g. about COVID).

PE challenge – Bib reaction – 23/02/21

Can you complete the activity below?

Feel free to let us know how you get on or ask parents to send us photos of you completing the challenge.

We look forward to hearing from you.

3…2…1… LET’S GO! 

PE CHALLENGE 15 – bib reaction

Important reminders about TEAMS

Good morning everyone!

We are so proud of how hard you are all working in these difficult times! We just wanted to send you all a reminder about the importance of using TEAMS in the most effective and safe way.  Please pay close attention to the “don’t” section as it is really important.

-Only use teams chat to send a message to school staff.

-Check for comments sent to you by your teacher.

-Give yourself time to have regular screen breaks. This includes getting some fresh air.

-Let adults in your household know when you will need access to the computer.

-Behave online as you would in a classroom.

-Always remember to interact respectfully and sensibly.

-Don’t open any messages or invitations from anyone who is not a member of school staff.  

-Don’t use Teams Chat to send messages to your friends– it should only be used as an online learning tool and not a social media site.

Keep up the good work! You’re all doing amazingly well.

Mrs Richards, Mrs Williams and Mrs Bennett.

General information about remote learning

Good morning,

We would just like to inform you how our remote learning will work:

  1. Matching the remote learning timetables each week,  work and links will be published on Microsoft Teams. From 5pm the afternoon before, each day’s work will be available.
  2. If any children or parents have any questions, please email us so that the relevant ‘remote learning teacher’ for that day can reply to you. On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, please send your email to both and On Thursdays and Fridays, please replace Mrs Richards’ email address with
  3. We will be available to respond to emails and mark work submitted by the children during the hours of 9-3 daily. If you do not get an immediate response, please bear with us. We will get back to you as and when we can.
  4. The only time slot that we will not be available to respond to emails is between 12.30-3 each Wednesday as that is our planning slot.

Thank you,

The Year 5 team.

PE challenge – Workout Wednesday – 10/02/21

Can you complete the workout challenges below?

You have 5 exercises to do where you need to work for 1 minute and rest for 1 minute in between each.

Feel free to let us know how you get on or ask parents to send us photos of you completing each challenge.

We look forward to hearing from you.

3…2…1… LET’S GO!