Maths on the Move

Good Afternoon all

Hope everyone is keeping well!

The fantastic people at Maths on the Move have released the following home challenge sheets. They are full of fantastic practical maths tasks you can try at home. There are 3 different sheets depending on your age: Year 1 and 2, Year 3 and 4 and Year 5 and 6.

Hope you have fun having a go. Remember to take photos of yourselves completing the tasks and share them with us by email or on Twitter.

Mrs Beardwood


We may not be in school to complete our weekly spelling tests, but don’t let that stop you from practising them! You can test yourself or get your family members on-board and test one-another!

Attached are the spelling lists for each year group and a ‘Spelling Menu’ which suggests lots of fun ways that you could practise them. Be creative! We’d love to see how many different, imaginative ways you can find to help you to learn them.

High frequency word spelling list

Year 1 and 2 spelling list

Year 3 and 4 spelling list

Year 5 and 6 spelling list

Year 4 Challenge

Hi Everyone

I hope you are all doing well and looking after your families.

During World Book Week, remember how you tried to guess my favourite book?

Well – here it is ‘The Magic Faraway Tree’ by Enid Blyton.

In the story, three children (Joe, Bessie and Fanny) discover a magical tree in the woods near there house. In the tree they meet many magical characters and get to visit fantasy lands where they have amazing adventures. Some of the lands they visit are: Land of Topsy-Turvy, Land of Goodies, Land of Take What you Want and the Land of Do as you Please. I am sure you can imagine the fun you could have in these places.

Your Task

I would like you to imagine your own fantasy land. Be as imaginative and creative as you can. Perhaps you would like a land of sweets and cakes, rainbows and unicorns or a football themed land. Then I would like you to:

  1. Paint/draw/make your land – be as creative as you can.
  2. Write a description of the land.
  3. Write a story about an adventure that could happen in your land.

Remember to share your pictures and stories on twitter or email them to school so I can see your wonderful creations.

Good luck and have fun!

Mrs Beardwood

Year 4 – White Rose Maths: Week 1

Hi all,

I have attached links to White Rose Week 1 lessons. They are looking at decimals and the link they have to fractions. Year 4 children looked at this at the start of Spring 2 so it would be great for them to complete to reinforce what they have already learnt.






Hope you are all well and staying safe at home!

Keep looking out on the website for more home learning ideas.


Mr Taylor

Classroom Secrets Online Resources

Please find below a useful link to the Classroom Secrets website. They are providing free online interactive games for all year groups in a range of subjects including Maths, Reading, Phonics, SPaG and Spelling.

There are also some free Learning Videos for a range of subjects for different year groups:


Fitness House Hunt

I’ve written a ‘treasure hunt’ style activity which gets the children moving around the house, completing different fitness exercises. Simply grab some pieces of paper and a pen, write down the different fitness ‘clues’ and hide the trail around the house at the different locations for them to discover. (Or if you have a printer you’re more than welcome to print off the document attached where it’s all written for you ready to go!). Feel free to adapt the number and time-lengths of the activities to suit the age and stamina of your child.  You could even repeat it with different exercises or get the children to change it themselves; if they’re really creative they could make their own!

Fitness House Hunt

  • (START) Exercise is fun to do. By the sofa is your first clue.
  • Do 10 sit ups on the floor. Then go and look on the bathroom door.
  • 10 jumping jacks and show you’re keen. Then head straight to the washing machine.
  • Touch your toes and then your head (x10). Make your way up to your bed.
  • For 20 seconds, make a bridge. Run down the stairs to reach the fridge.
  • 20 seconds: hold the plank position. Quickly skip to the television.
  • Do 10 push ups on the ground. Jump to where your shoes are found.
  • Complete 10 squats at a steady pace. Find a mirror to look at your face.
  • 30 seconds: hold a balanced pose. Move to the place that stores your clothes.
  • Do 10 burpees jumping up high. Go to the lounge window to see the sky.
  • Admire the view- you are the best. Now grab a seat and take a rest!

Fitness House Hunt  (This also includes a letter which each clue, so once they’ve completed each activity they’ll discover the hidden message!)

Did they enjoy it? They could time themselves and see if they can beat their score the next time!

World Book Day

Base 3 (Year 2) and Base 7 (Year 4) shared their favourite books together during World Book Day. It was lovely to watch the children interacting with each other and sharing a love of books and reading!