Week 8 – Spellings

This week’s spellings is a revision week. Please see below the children’s spellings:









Mr Taylor


Spelling Homework

Don’t forget that weekly spellings are available on the year group class spelling pages. The children will now be bringing their spellings home on a Friday in their reading record to copy out at home ready to take their reading record back to school on a Monday.

Autumn term homework

All homework will now be set on a Friday to be returned (or completed if it’s online e.g. My Maths) by the following Friday. 

  • Spellings will be stuck into reading records for the children to practise at home. (They will not have to bring their practice work back into school.)
  • MyMaths will be set and completed online.
  • The children will each have a reading book which will stay in school during the week and go home on a Friday to then be brought back in on the following Monday.

The first homework will be set on Friday 11th September.

Dear Year 4

Congratulations! You have all made it to the end of a very strange school year. We know we haven’t spent as much time together as planned but we just wanted you to know how much we appreciate all of the hard work you have done this year so we have written you a letter.

End of year letter to children year 4

Have a great summer, stay safe and we look forward to seeing your smiling faces across the playground next year.

Mrs Beardwood and Mr Taylor


Year 4 Weekly Challenge

Hi Year 4

Well we are in our last week now and you will soon be moving to your next classes. It has been lovely working with you all and I know you will continue to try hard as you move on to your Year 5 adventure.

For your last writing challenge, I would like you to write a letter to your new teacher. You could tell them all about:

  • you and your family
  • likes and dislikes
  • hobbies
  • pets
  • favourite subjects
  • your friends
  • how you have spent lockdown
  • what you are looking forward to in Year 5

I will pass any letters on that are sent into school at a2190@taw.org.uk

Enjoy your Summer

Mrs Beardwood

Year 4 White Rose: Week 8

Hi everyone!

I hope you are all well!

Here are the video links for this week’s White Rose Maths tasks:


Below are this weeks White Rose Maths tasks and their accompanying answers:

Lesson 1 – Write decimals 2020

Lesson 1 Answers – Write decimals 2020

Lesson 2 – Compare decimals 2020

Lesson 2 Answers – Compare decimals 2020

Lesson 3 – Order decimals 2020

Lesson 3 Answers – Order decimals 2020

Lesson 4 – Round decimals 2020

Lesson 4 Answers – Round decimals 2020

Have fun and take care,

Mr Taylor