Year 4 Home Learning 25.1.21

Please find below the timetable for this week’s home learning.

Timetable 18.1.21 new

All of the resources will be uploaded on Teams each morning.

This week you will notice there will be 3 different challenges for some of the lessons. This is so we can provide work to meet the children’s needs more closely.

Challenge 1 – is for Blue group Base 8 and Red Group Base 7

Challenge 2 – is for yellow, green, orange and purple groups

Challenge 3 – is for Red group Base 8 and Blue Group Base 7

UPDATED – Year 4 Home Learning Timetable

Good Morning Year 4

Due to a change in government guidelines this week’s timetable has been extended to include an extra lesson each day.

Here is the updated timetable for learning from home this week.

Timetable 11.1.21

Don’t forget to logon to Teams to find all of the activities that you need. Once you have completed activities, don’t forget to submit a copy for your teacher to review. This can be done by email or through Teams. If you have completed your work on paper, just take a photograph and send this to us. We are looking forward to seeing how you are getting on and will be able to help more if we can see what are you doing.

If you are having any problems, please don’t forget to send a message and we can try to help you.

Have a good week

Mrs Beardwood and Mr Taylor

Year 4 Remote Learning timetable – week beginning 4.1.21

4.1.21 Remote Learning Timetable

Please see the above link to this week’s remote learning timetable.

You will see all of the links which will take you to the lesson and the worksheets are provided on the link.

Mr Taylor and Mrs Beardwood

Year 4 Home Learning 14.12.20

Here is the timetable for any children learning from home this week. Resources for the activities will be available.

Year 4 Home Learning Timetable – 30.11.20

Good morning

Here is the home learning timetable for children learning from home this week. Resources to accompany the lessons will be available.

Home Learning 23.11.20

Here is the home learning timetable for the Year 4 children working at home this wee. Resources will be sent to you as and when they are required.

Base 7 Remote Learning

Each day, the children will be set tasks to complete on Microsoft Teams. They will need to use their log in details, that were sent out in a letter, to log in and then click on the assignments. The children can access PowerPoints, video links and their resources for each lesson.  Once they have completed the activity that is set, they will need to re-upload what they have done.

If you complete the activities quickly, here are a list of other websites you can access:

The National Oak Academy is very useful as there are taught lessons and tasks that you can complete. Please look at any topics on here that you know we are covering in school.

If there is something that you do not understand, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mr Taylor

Online Learning

Here is the timetable for any Year 4 children working from home this week. Resources will be sent where needed.

Remote Learning Timetable – 9.11.20

week 10

Please see this week’s Remote Learning Timetable by clicking the link above.


Mr Taylor and Mrs Beardwood