Year 2 Christmas Performance Auditions

Year 2 will be casting our Christmas performance this week so please make sure you bring your consent form in if you haven’t already. Auditions will take place on Thursday and scripts will be sent out this week!

Autumn Term Homework

This week, your children will have brought home a print out of their homework project. It is due in on Friday 9th December. We are excited to see what they children make and do!

If you have any questions, please let your class teacher know.

Autumn Homework Project

A Doodle a Day

Each day during Diversity Week, we are going to listen to music from different cultures and doodle what comes into our minds. Base 3 enjoyed their doodle today as they listened to some Japanese music.


World Mental Health Day 2022

For World Mental Health Day, Base 4 discussed things that we feel grateful for but often take for granted. We made it our aim to make someone smile today and have enjoyed performing random acts of kindness this half term. We also discussed who we could go to if we felt upset, worried, nervous or angry about something.

Clever Never Goes

We are very excited to be having the police coming to talk to us on Tuesday 8th November about Stranger Danger. The programme is called Clever Never Goes so we look forward to finding out more.

Autumn Term Overview

Welcome to Year 2!

We have attached our exciting topics for the Autumn Term so please have a look at what you will be learning with us. We hope you are as excited as us.

Miss Gilbert and Miss Craig

Autumn Term Overview – Year 2 – 2022

Year 2 Autumn Spelling Lists

Please find the Autumn Term spelling lists attached for Year 2. Your child will be given their group name and it will be written in their reading diary. They will also come home with a spelling practice book that they should return to school each Friday for their new spellings. Spelling tests will be done every Friday.

Thank you,

Miss Gilbert and Miss Craig

Autumn Spellings – ASTEROID group

Autumn Spellings – COMET group

Autumn Spellings – STAR group