Class Photographs – Thursday 8th June

Just a quick reminder that we are having school photographs on Thursday and it is our PE day.

Please come to school in your uniform and we will adapt our PE lesson to be something that is appropriate to wearing our school uniform.

Thank you,

Miss Gilbert and Miss Craig

Reception and KS1 Author Visit – 19/05/2023

This morning, Year 2 enjoyed listening to The Lost Voices by local author, Sarah Griffiths.

Summer Fayre – Change of date

We have recently been informed that Charlton will be holding the Charltonbury Festival on 7th July, which was the same date as our planned Summer Fayre.  As some of our children will have opportunity to perform at Charltonbury, we have changed the date of our Summer Fayre to Friday 30th June, 3.30pm – 5pm.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

Parent Questionnaire

The parent questionnaire is now open for submissions.

The average time to complete the previous survey was just under 5 mins.

Thank you 😊

Coronation Badge Making in Year 2

Year 2 really enjoyed having their parents in to create badges to commemorate the Coronation this afternoon! Thank you for coming in and showing your support.

Miss Craig and Miss Gilbert

Coronation Day in Base 4 – 04/05/2023

Base 4 have had a brilliant day celebrating King Charles III’s Coronation. They created their own royal crowns, completed a fact file about our new King and learnt the National Anthem.