
We may not be in school to complete our weekly spelling tests, but don’t let that stop you from practising them! You can test yourself or get your family members on-board and test one-another!

Attached are the spelling lists for each year group and a ‘Spelling Menu’ which suggests lots of fun ways that you could practise them. Be creative! We’d love to see how many different, imaginative ways you can find to help you to learn them.

High frequency word spelling list

Year 1 and 2 spelling list

Year 3 and 4 spelling list

Year 5 and 6 spelling list

How to keep busy…

Here are a list of the activities and websites you can do and use whilst you are home learning.

Home Learning Pack – these were sent out to you and have reading, writing and maths type activities to keep you busy.

Weekly Challenges – every week, Miss Gilbert and Mrs Nightingale will upload a weekly challenge for you to complete. You may send us photos of you completing the challenge or of your finished product and we will post them on the website for everyone to see.

Nessy https://learn.nessy.com/account/login#/accountLogin


Practise your reading and spelling on this website. It starts off relatively easy but gets more trickier as you move through the islands. This is great for those children who have not yet passed their phonic screening check.

MyMaths https://www.mymaths.co.uk/

(log in details in the back of reading diaries)

Miss Gilbert has added a range of activities for you to complete on a daily and weekly basis. There will be plenty for you to learn, especially areas of the curriculum we still haven’t covered so definitely check this out.

TT Rockstars https://ttrockstars.com/

(log in details in the back of reading diaries)

You have lots of games to play using your x2, x5 and x10 times tables so keep practising and challenging each other!

Purple Mash https://www.purplemash.com/sch/apley

(log in details in the back of reading diaries)

You can choose a range of different activities, from all different subjects on Purple Mash. If you save them, Miss Gilbert and Mrs Nightingale can see what you have been up to!

There are many other websites and links that Miss Gilbert and other class teachers have shared so if you are stuck, check those out too.

Stay safe everyone!

Weekly Challenge – Number 1

Challenge Number 1

We would like you to design a picture that could be displayed in your window to make others smile when they walk past. Some children may have already made a rainbow picture so you may want to do something different like a smiley face or a love heart.

You may want to paint with a brush or your fingers and hands, use collage materials or colour in with your brilliant colouring skills. The brighter the better so everyone can see them!

Please email any pictures, if you happy for them to be added to the website, of you completing the challenges to your class teacher and they will upload them onto the website for all to see.

Base 3 – helen.gilbert@taw.org.uk

Base 4 – rachel.nightingale@taw.org.uk

Have fun and stay safe!

Weekly Challenges for Year 2

Each week, the children in Year 2 will be set a new challenge to complete. It would be lovely for the teachers and class mates to see each others interpretations of these challenges.

Please email any pictures, if you happy for them to be added to the website, of you completing the challenges to your class teacher and they will upload them onto the website for all to see.

Base 3 – helen.gilbert@taw.org.uk

Base 4 – rachel.nightingale@taw.org.uk

Have fun and stay safe!

Classroom Secrets Online Resources

Please find below a useful link to the Classroom Secrets website. They are providing free online interactive games for all year groups in a range of subjects including Maths, Reading, Phonics, SPaG and Spelling.


There are also some free Learning Videos for a range of subjects for different year groups:



Fitness House Hunt

I’ve written a ‘treasure hunt’ style activity which gets the children moving around the house, completing different fitness exercises. Simply grab some pieces of paper and a pen, write down the different fitness ‘clues’ and hide the trail around the house at the different locations for them to discover. (Or if you have a printer you’re more than welcome to print off the document attached where it’s all written for you ready to go!). Feel free to adapt the number and time-lengths of the activities to suit the age and stamina of your child.  You could even repeat it with different exercises or get the children to change it themselves; if they’re really creative they could make their own!

Fitness House Hunt

  • (START) Exercise is fun to do. By the sofa is your first clue.
  • Do 10 sit ups on the floor. Then go and look on the bathroom door.
  • 10 jumping jacks and show you’re keen. Then head straight to the washing machine.
  • Touch your toes and then your head (x10). Make your way up to your bed.
  • For 20 seconds, make a bridge. Run down the stairs to reach the fridge.
  • 20 seconds: hold the plank position. Quickly skip to the television.
  • Do 10 push ups on the ground. Jump to where your shoes are found.
  • Complete 10 squats at a steady pace. Find a mirror to look at your face.
  • 30 seconds: hold a balanced pose. Move to the place that stores your clothes.
  • Do 10 burpees jumping up high. Go to the lounge window to see the sky.
  • Admire the view- you are the best. Now grab a seat and take a rest!

Fitness House Hunt  (This also includes a letter which each clue, so once they’ve completed each activity they’ll discover the hidden message!)

Did they enjoy it? They could time themselves and see if they can beat their score the next time!

Free Websites for Phonic/Reading/Spelling Home Learning

Although most children have completed their Phonic Screening Test in Year 1, some children were due to resit this academic year. This website is free for children to use during school closures and supports phonics with a variety of games and comic books for download.


All children in Year 2 have been given free access to use Nessy Learning at home during the school closures. This is website where children can play games to practise their reading and spellings. Some of the children have used this within school and can continue using their own log in at home whilst school is closed.

The site requires a password to access and this will be sent to parents today.
