World Book Day Monday 11th March

Due to our year 5 residential, we will be celebrating

World Book Day this year on Monday 11th March.


Come to school dressed as your favourite

book character or author and bring in your

favourite book to share with children from another year group.


Author Visit: we will also be having a visit from local author, Sarah Griffiths, who will be sharing her fantastic new book with us.



Base 4’s Science at Forest School – 25/01/24

Base 4 had a brilliant time at Forest School. They were set the challenge of finding the most waterproof material to use when creating a space suit for NASA (linked to our history topic). They worked in teams to set up their experiments and investigate. They tested paper, foil, fabric and wood and concluded that foil was the most waterproof. We then had a discussion about how to make foil stronger and more suitable for wearing to space. A big thank you to Mr Yardley for leading the session and making our learning fun!

Forest School – 9/11/23

Year 2 have had a fantastic history lesson in the Forest School area, learning all about the Great Fire of London. We found out how the fire developed and about the timeline of events. In groups, we then used natural materials to create images of each event. There was some super creativity and use of materials to represent people, places and of course, the flames. Well done Year 2 and thank you to Mr Yardley and Mrs Jones. We can’t wait for our next lesson!

Forest School – this half term


This half term, Year 2 will have their learning taken out into forest school each Thursday. This is a fantastic opportunity for them to experience learning outside and see how learning and the natural world often go hand in hand. Our focus will be all about ‘The Great Fire of London’.

As we approach winter now, we advise that children bring a spare pair of shoes, this could be wellies or old trainers as the site may be muddy. We would also like them to bring a coat as we will still be learning out there even if it is raining. They will not need anything else other than this as they should still be coming to school in full school uniform.

Thank you for your support with this and we look forward to some super learning outdoors!

Year 2 Author Visit – 20/10/23

Year 2 are excited to meet local author, Jessica Keane, tomorrow. We will be the first to hear her new story which was only published at the start of this week. If you would like to purchase a copy of either of Jessica’s books, please see the flyer attached.


Thank you,

Miss Craig and Mrs Beardwood

Diversity Week in Year 2 – 06.10.23

This week, Base 3 and 4 have been learning all about diversity and celebrating our differences. We have enjoyed listening to music from other countries and completing our “doodle a day” to show what images the music creates in our minds. The children enjoyed telling us about the different religions they follow, the different countries their families are from and the different qualities they have that make them unique. We have also discussed the qualities that make a good friend and given each other complements to show that it feels nice to be kind and it also feels nice when someone is kind to us.

We look forward to seeing this kindness continue,

Miss Craig and Mrs Beardwood