Year 1 and 2 Sports Day

Parents and guardians are welcome to join us for our Sports Day on Wednesday 29th June at 9:30am until 11:45am.

Please could children wear a coloured t-shirt to represent their house colour and then their P.E kit to school. Please make sure you wear a sunhat and put on sun cream before school if it looks to be a hot day!

Thank you!

Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations!

What a fantastic day the children in Year 2 have had whilst celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee. Enjoy your half term everyone! 

Base 3 – Pyjamarama Day

Base 3 have loved raising money for Pyjamarama Day today…luckily nobody fell asleep whilst completing their fun activities!

Super Hero Day!

Base 3 have thoroughly enjoyed raising money for Prevent All today by dressing as their super heroes. It was lovely to see so many children dressed as doctors and nurses, vets and teachers! Well done everyone!

SATs PowerPoint Information

Thank you to those parents who attended tonight’s meeting about the KS1 SATs that are happening during the week beginning 23rd May. I hope the information eased your minds and have provided ideas in ways to support your children throughout the next few weeks.

For those parents who couldn’t attend, I have attached the PowerPoint with the information I shared and have put the link of where you can find examples of previous SATs papers.

If anyone has any questions about the assessments, please get in touch!

Miss Gilbert

Powerpoint for Parents

Base 3 at RAF Cosford

Base 3 have had a fantastic day at RAF Cosford! They have been building rockets, dressing in old RAF uniforms, played on the playground and walked around the museum looking at the amazing planes. They were a credit to the school with their wonderful behaviour!

Comic Relief

Last week, Base 3 enjoyed raising money for Comic Relief by wearing red and completing a range of sporting activities!

Fantastic resilience – well done everyone!