Summer Term 2 – Week 3

Here are your home learning tasks for this week. If you need any help, please ask Mrs Nightingale or Miss Gilbert.


Year 2 fractions booklet


A Postcard from Mo Farah Activity Card

Advice from a Dentist Activity Card

Doctor’s Orders Activity Card

Recipe for a Healthy Fruit Salad Activity Card


Year 2 grammar punctuation and vocabulary


Flower Observation Sheet

Order Parts of a Flowering Plant

Summer Term 2 – Week 2

Here are some activities for Week 2 for you to complete this week. If you have any questions, please let us know!


Compare Apley Woods and Caribbean

Five Oceans of the World

Seven Continents of the World


Maths (3)

Maths (2)

Maths (1)


Mat 4

Mat 5

Mat 6


Dinosaur Egg Activity Card

Hide and Seek Activity Card

Mary Anning Activity Card

Mary Annings Diary Activity Card

T-Rex Activity Card

Stay safe!

Miss Gilbert

Weekly Challenge – Week 10

Challenge Number 10

We would like you to make a picture out of things you find around the house. This picture may be of things you like to do and are missing whilst we are in lock down, or it could be a picture to make someone smile. Please use anything you find in your house or garden like twigs, leaves, pegs, pasta shapes and you can always place it on paper, rather than gluing it.

Please email any pictures, if you happy for them to be added to the website, of you completing the challenges to your class teacher and they will upload them onto the website for all to see.

Base 3 –

Base 4 –

Have fun and stay safe!

Summer Term 2 – Week 1

Here are some activities for Week 1 for you to complete this week. If you have any questions, please let us know!


Geography – Where I live


Maths 1

Maths 2

Maths 3






How the Kangaroos Got Their Tails Activity Card

Paul the Lucky Octopus Activity Card

The Great White Shark Activity Card

What Plants Need to Grow Activity Card

Stay safe!

Miss Gilbert

Weekly Challenge – Week 9

Challenge Number 9

We would like you to design a theme park that you would love to go to. You may want to draw it, make it out of lego or even k’nex. You could label it to tell us what the rides would do.

Please email any pictures, if you happy for them to be added to the website, of you completing the challenges to your class teacher and they will upload them onto the website for all to see.

Base 3 –

Base 4 –

Have fun and stay safe!

Summer Term 2 – Home Learning

Hi everyone,

Work Packs

Mrs Nightingale and I have put together more work for you to complete whilst you are at home. We are going to update the website with new activities each week, whilst you are working at home, and there will be a range for you to complete at your own leisure. We will include: topic activities, maths activities, SPAG activities and reading activities. Please do not worry if you haven’t been able to complete it all. We are just providing you with a range of activities that you can choose from. If anyone has any questions about anything, please let us know.

Online Activities

Nessy –


Practise your reading and spelling on this website. It starts off relatively easy but gets more trickier as you move through the islands. This is great for those children who have not yet passed their phonic screening check.

MyMaths –

(log in details in the back of reading diaries)

Miss Gilbert has added a range of activities for you to complete on a daily and weekly basis. There will be plenty for you to learn, especially areas of the curriculum we still haven’t covered so definitely check this out.

TT Rockstars –

(log in details in the back of reading diaries)

You have lots of games to play using your x2, x5 and x10 times tables so keep practising and challenging each other!

Purple Mash –

(log in details in the back of reading diaries)

You can choose a range of different activities, from all different subjects on Purple Mash. If you save them, Miss Gilbert and Mrs Nightingale can see what you have been up to!

There are many other websites and links that Miss Gilbert and other class teachers have shared so if you are stuck, check those out too.

Stay safe everyone!


Base 3 – Reading Challenge

Avani has taken on the challenge of reading in a strange place. Here she is, reading one of her favourites whilst hanging off the climbing frame. That is a skill!

Thank you for your great picture Avani, I would love to see some more so please send them to me: