Free STEM Activities (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)

Leanne Mee, the Managing Director of the STEM Workshop, has emailed schools to inform them of STEM activities she is doing online for everyone.

Leanne created a bank of prerecorded activities which are all accessible via Kids You Tube –

You Tube Tutorials 

Leanne has created a range of short focused activities (as tutorials) that the children can get involved in using materials that you they find in and around the home. The tutorials are all linked to the STEM curriculum.

The tutorials she has created so far focus on: Computer Aided Design, Mechanisms (joining materials and components to explore movement) and structures. They can be followed step by step, but she encourages everyone to explore and experiment with size and materials etc.

She is adding a new tutorial every Monday, and is working to create ones that can be carried out at home but will also have more complex ones too. Leanne said it would be wonderful if the children wanted to share ideas with her of what type of products or themes they would like to see, and she will happily mention and credit them for their idea.


Every month Leanne is planning on setting a challenge with a prize attached to make it a little more fun and engaging.

This months challenge is to design and make the tallest freestanding structure, details of this can be found on The STEM Workshop, You Tube Channel (above). You will find the challenge, the criteria and date the entry needs to be submitted.

Entries to be submitted as either a photo or a video:

Date of submission – Friday 29th May 

Winner Announced – Monday 1st June

It would be great to see some STEM projects being completed at home and for children from Apley Wood, competing with other children from other schools in the area.

If you complete any STEM activities, please send over your photographs to me and I can upload them onto the website for all to see –

Good luck and stay safe!

Miss Gilbert

Spencer – home learning

Spencer has been really busy at home. He has been spending time working on his number skills, and has made some great progress with his reading and recognising familiar words. He’s also been doing some crafts and baking and has enjoyed time in the garden. Fantastic Spencer – keep up the great work!

Spencer has also got some really exciting news – he now has a new baby brother! Congratulations!

Living History

As we continue to live in lock-down, we are experiencing first-hand an event which will be learnt about in history and science lessons of the future. Wouldn’t it be great to make a record so that others can learn about what we have done and how we feel? 

Use these resources to help record some of the things you have been doing, what you have enjoyed and what you miss. You don’t need to print anything – just use the questions and write down your answers on a piece of paper.

Key Stage 1

Year 3 and 4

Year 5 and 6

Who knows – your writing might help children in the future understand what lock-down was like!

Mrs Beardwood

More VE Day Ideas

Hi everyone

As Miss Morgan has already said, next week is the 75th Anniversary of VE Day.

At the end of World War 2, families and communities celebrated by having street parties and singing and dancing. I would like you to recreate this in your own home by learning to sing a song popular at the time.

‘We’ll Meet Again’ by Dame Vera Lynn was sung across the nation to celebrate the fact that separation from loved ones and hardship was coming to an end. I would like you to have a go at learning the song to sing with your family. The song will be a big part of this years celebrations with a nationwide performance from doorsteps planned for 9pm on the 8th May. So give it a go!

I would love it of you could film/photograph yourself (with or without your family) singing and send it to the school email address.

You might even want to dress up in 1940s costumes and hold a garden tea party to celebrate such an important event.

I look forward to seeing the fun you all have.

Mrs Beardwood


VE Day

On the 8th May, we will be celebrating the 75th anniversary of VE Day. We thought that it would be a great idea if you could still celebrate this at home.

Here are some ideas of what you could do:
Design a teacup t-h-321-ks2-ve-day-teacup-design-activity_ver_2
Design/create a medal t3-h-123-design-a-ve-day-medal-activity-sheet_ver_1
Decorate your house using bunting t-t-2548139-union-jack-template-display-bunting_ver_1

If you would like to explain this event to your child, here is a document that explains what VE Day is. t2-t-1578-ve-day-75th-anniversary-information-powerpoint-_ver_2

It would be lovely to see anything that you do to celebrate this occasion. Please send any pictures to the school email address so that these can be put onto the newsletter.

Reminder of summer home learning ideas

Just a reminder of some additional ideas for home learning activities that you might like to try whilst you are not in school. These are linked to the topics that we would have been learning about during the Summer Term. Please do not feel that you have to do them all – these are just suggestions.

Y1 Summer Term Home learning PDF version

If you do not have access to a printer at home, activities can be done on any paper or in a notebook, or even just discussed.

BBC Bitesize are currently streaming daily lessons for each age group. More information about this can be found at and

In addition to this, Plan Bee are offering some free home learning packs for primary children.

Remember it is also important to stay active, so we have included some links to ideas that you could use at home:


We hope you all stay safe and well, and look forward to seeing you all when we are back at school. Parents, if you have any questions, or would like to share anything your children have done at home, please email .

Thank you for everything you are doing – you are all superstars!

Year 1 Team





Home learning

Ollie has been working really hard at home. He has been busy doing lots of maths, reading and writing. Yesterday he read a fact sheet about bats and then answered questions about it. Fantastic work Ollie! Keep it up!


Home learning

Jeevan has created a fantastic cherry tree painting at home. He has researched it and added facts to his picture. Well done Jeevan!