Free Reading and Spelling Activities for Home Learning

All children in Year 1 have been given free access to use Nessy Learning at home during the school closures. This is website where children can play games to practise their reading and spellings.

The site requires a password to access and this will be sent to parents today.

Maths Week 2019!

As part of Maths Week 2019, TT Rockstars are encouraging children to play on TT Rockstars as much as possible. They are holding a competition that we have entered. Please see the poster below:

Please encourage your children to go on TT Rockstars as much as possible and I look forward to seeing all of their success.

Mr Taylor


Year 1 Homework Project

For the homework project this half term, we would like the children to design and make a toy or game out of recycled materials. Please see below for some more ideas related to the homework. We look forward to seeing the children’s work!

Year 1 Recycling Project

If you have any further questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher.

Many thanks for your support,

Mrs Edwards, Mrs Lowe and Mrs Gould

Times Tables Resources

In light of the Multiplication Tables Check, please see some of the links that I have attached below. They contain fun, interactive games that the children can play to brush up on their times tables.

Thanks for your support,

Mr Taylor