Year 1 Spellings 16th November

Please find below this week’s spellings for children to practise at home. The children will be tested on these spellings on Friday 20th November.

Year 1 Spellings 16.11.20

The children’s phonics group colour should match the reading book that they are bringing home. We have also sent home a paper copy of the spellings for the children to practise.

Year 1 Spellings 9th November

Please find below this week’s spellings for children to practise at home. The children will be tested on these spellings on Friday 13th November.

Year 1 Spellings 9th November

The children’s phonics group colour should match the reading book that they are bringing home (please note, some children are now reading a different colour book). We have also sent home a paper copy of the spellings for the children to practise.

Year 1 Spellings 19th October

Please find below this week’s spellings for children to practise at home. The children will be tested on these spellings on Friday 23rd October.

Year 1 Spellings 19.10.20

The children’s phonics group colour should match the reading book that they are bringing home. We have also sent home a paper copy of the spellings for the children to practise.

Year 1 Spellings 5th October

Please find below this week’s spellings for children to practise at home. The children will be tested on these spellings on Friday 9th October.

Year 1 Spellings 05.10.20

The children’s phonics group colour should match the reading book that they are bringing home (please note, some children have now changed from Green to Purple group). We have also sent home a paper copy of the spellings for the children to practise.

Year 1 Spellings 28th September

Please find below this week’s spellings for children to practise at home. The children will be tested on these spellings on Friday 2nd October.

28.09.20 Spellings Year 1

The children’s phonics group colour should match the reading book that they are bringing home. We have also sent home a paper copy of the spellings for the children to practise (this does not need to be returned to school).