Year 1 Spellings 14th December

This week’s spellings are red words and are for all of the Year 1 children to learn.  There will be no spelling test next Friday (18th December), but the children will be tested on a selection of these words after Christmas on Friday 8th January 2021.

Year 1 Spellings 14.12.20

Year 1 Maths Homework 11.12.20

This week’s homework is on MyMaths. It revises a lot of the place value work you have done so far in Year 1. There are a lot of questions, but we are giving you longer to do the homework. It is not due in until Friday 8th January 2021.

Year 1 Maths homework 04.12.20

This week’s Maths homework has been set on MyMaths. The homework is all about 3D shapes. Let’s see how much you have remembered about shapes and their properties from all the work you have been doing about shapes over the past two weeks.

Year 1 Spellings 7th December

Please find below this week’s spellings for children to practise at home. The children will be tested on these spellings on Friday 11th December

Year 1 Spellings 07.12.20

The children’s phonics group colour should match the reading book that they are bringing home. We have also sent home a paper copy of the spellings for the children to practise.

Year 1 Maths Homework 27.11.20

This week’s Maths homework has been set on MyMaths. The homework is all about 2D shapes. Let’s see how much you have remembered about 2D shapes and their properties from our Maths lessons this week!