Weekly Spellings

The weekly spellings for next week (28th June – 2nd July) are:

  • explanation
  • familiar
  • foreign
  • forty
  • frequently
  • government

Remember: there will be some ‘mystery spelling words’ from the Y5/6 spelling list too!

Weekly Spellings

The weekly spellings for next week (21st-25th June) are:

  • equipment
  • equipped
  • especially
  • exaggerate
  • excellent
  • existence

Remember: there will be some ‘mystery spelling words’ from the Y5/6 spelling list too!

Weekly Spellings

The weekly spellings for next week (14th-18th June) are:

  • determined
  • develop
  • dictionary
  • disastrous
  • embarrass
  • environment

Remember: there will be some ‘mystery spelling words’ from the Y5/6 spelling list too!

Weekly Spellings

The weekly spellings for next week (24th -28th) are:

  • communicate
  • community
  • competition
  • conscience
  • conscious
  • controversy

Remember: there will be some ‘mystery spelling words’ from the Y5/6 spelling list too!

Weekly Spellings

The weekly spellings for next week (17th – 21st May) are:

  • awkward
  • bargain
  • bruise
  • category
  • cemetery
  • committee

Remember: there will be some ‘mystery spelling words’ from the Y5/6 spelling list too!

Spring Term Spellings

Here is a copy of the spellings for the Spring Term. These will given out each Friday and sent home in your reading record book. Please copy out your spellings during the weekend so that you can practise them throughout the week at home as you will not have a spelling homework book. You will be leaving your reading record book at school Monday-Friday and do not need to bring in a copy of the practises you have been doing at home.

Week 1 spellings will commence from Friday 8th January.


Autumn Term Spellings

Here is a copy of the spellings for the Autumn Term. These will given out each Friday and sent home in your reading record book. Please copy out your spellings during the weekend so that you can practise them throughout the week at home as you will not have a spelling homework book. You will be leaving your reading record book at school Monday-Friday and do not need to bring in a copy of the practises you have been doing at home.
