Year 6 Computing Day

Today, Year 6 had a fantastic day completing lots of computing activities. They designed their own 3D models, used HTML and programmed Micro:Bits. We were very impressed with their computing skills and excellent designs. A big thank you to Amazing ICT for running a super day for the children!

Year 6 PCSO visit

Year 6 asked some interesting, reflective questions during a visit from the local PCSO as part of their Character Education unit. They discussed the upsetting rise in knife crime across the country and in the importance of making positive choices when out in the community.

Online safety newsletter June 2023

This month, our online safety newsletter has useful information for parents and carers about some potential risks with new Apps and also references some more age appropriate versions of popular apps.

Click the link to read more.

Online Safety Newsletter Primary June 2023_PDF_Apley Wood

Cadbury World

Year 6 had a brilliant day at Cadbury World learning all about chocolate. They had great fun taking part in all of the activities – especially eating a delicious pot of melted chocolate with yummy toppings!

Exciting new interactive online security resources for 7-11 year olds.

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Award-winning interactive online security resources for 7-11 year olds.

Young people are growing up in an increasingly digital world, exposing them to both the opportunities and risks of the internet. CyberSprinters empowers them to make smart decisions about staying secure online.

The digital game can be played on phone, tablet and desktop, and is supported by a suite of activities. Parents and carers can also try the CyberSprinter puzzles with their children at home!

Summer Fayre – Change of date

We have recently been informed that Charlton will be holding the Charltonbury Festival on 7th July, which was the same date as our planned Summer Fayre.  As some of our children will have opportunity to perform at Charltonbury, we have changed the date of our Summer Fayre to Friday 30th June, 3.30pm – 5pm.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

NSPCC Parent and Carer safety guides

As part of our links with the NSPCC, they have provided us with the following resource to support parents and carers to keep their children safe.  The resources cover a range of safeguarding areas including online safety and the PANTS campaign.

NSPCC resources – (parent.carer) – spring 2023

Parent Questionnaire

The parent questionnaire is now open for submissions.

The average time to complete the previous survey was just under 5 mins.

Thank you 😊