First week back

What a great first week year 6 have had! They’ve settled into their new classes well and are excited to have a brilliant year.

Online Safety booklet – parent controls advice

Please see the booklet below which contains advice about how to set parental controls on a wide range of devices and APPs.  the advice included covers both microsoft and Apple devices, hardware include Amazon Alexa, a range of controls for broadband providers and also, varied social media and streaming sources including you tube and netflix.


Free Summer Reading Opportunities


Over the summer, all the children in school will have access to a whole range of free digital books through ‘myON’, part of of Accelerated Reader. They can choose what topics interest them, browse through the books,  select one and start reading.

Click on the link below and use the log in details to access thousands of free books.

Happy Reading!


  1. School Name: Summer Reads
  2. Username: SUM
  3. Password: SUMR123!

STEAM Week Reminder – Dress up Monday 26th June

STEAM Week: Week Beginning Monday 26th June

Dear Parent/Carers,

This year, during our STEAM Week (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths), our whole school topic will be ‘Connections’. We have some exciting activities, ‘hands on’ experiments and investigations and music, art and design activities planned as part of this week. We will be looking at some famous inventors and scientists, the amazing things that they created and discovered, and the impact they have had on the world as well as having the opportunity to go on a learning journey ourselves. All children will have the opportunity to show their creativity, engineering and scientific learning throughout the week so please look out for uploads onto our website and twitter pages.

During the week, the children will be learning about all the careers linked to STEAM. On Monday 26th June, to begin our STEAM Week, all children are invited to come into school in any costumes linked to our theme. This may include dressing up as a famous inventor, scientist, discoverer, artist or musician. We hope that lots of children will take part in this opportunity to celebrate and discuss the range of careers linked to these subjects within school.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Miss Helen Gilbert
Science Coordinator