Keep Singing!

Hi Everyone

Did you know singing is good for your mental and physical health? You all know how much I love to sing! Well now the Sing Up website we use in my assemblies has released some resources to keep us all singing.

Have a go at the Song of the Week – One moment, one people. There is a video to help you and you can download lyrics too.

Make sure you also check out ‘Sing Up at Home’ where you will find a range of fun playlists and resources to keep you singing. There are even sign language videos.

We will be using some of these songs in assembly when we get back to school.

Have fun and keep singing

Mrs Beardwood

Summer Term Topics

This term, our topics are ‘Fairtrade’ and ‘Animals Including Humans’. Below are some lesson ideas and links that you could follow. For all of these, you do not need to print anything – you can either use a pen and paper or do it online.

Science – Animals Including Humans

You can work your way through these six lessons about the human anatomy. When you open this link, download the file. Then open each file titled ‘Lesson 1 -6’. Inside these folders are great lessons with PowerPoints and resources.

Here are some other links for good interactive activities and videos:

Topic – Fairtrade

This is your Fairtrade project for the term: Fairtrade project

This link may be useful to help you with your project:





Home Learning

Below are a variety of links for you to access during your home learning and a reminder of some which hopefully you’ve already been completing. There’s a great variety of resources that you can access online- don’t worry about printing any sheets out as you can just record your work in a notebook/on a piece of paper.

We will also continue setting weekly challenges for you to look out for and a variety of work linking to our new summer topics.



Other useful curriculum links

Before school closed, children were given their Spring homework project. If you didn’t get round to completing it here’s a reminder: homework spring. We received some lovely photos of some very creative chocolate bars and would love to see more!

Weekly Challenge!

Hello Year 6 – we hope you had a lovely Easter and ate lots of chocolate!

This week, for your challenge, we would like you to invent a habitat for an animal of your choice.

Our Science topic this term is ‘animals including humans’ so this challenge is a great start to introduce you to this unit.

You could draw your habitat for your animal, label the different features and explain why you have used them. You could even create your habitat using things from your house (like cardboard, plastic etc) and write an explanation about why your habitat would suit the animal of your choice. Be creative!

If you complete the challenge, please send your pictures to:

We look forward to seeing some of your incredible creations!

Year 6 Book Activities

Have a look at the attached link for some fantastic activities for all areas of the curriculum linked to some lovely and very popular books aimed at year 6 children such as ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ and ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’.

Radio 2’S 500 Word Competition

I’d like to say a huge congratulations to Will, whose story ‘Pure Gold’, has successfully made it through the first round of Radio 2’s 500 word competition. Out of 135,000 entries, he is one of 5,000 children that made it through to the next stage. This is absolutely amazing news and we wish you all the luck for the rest of the competition!