Weekly Challenge

.K.Rowling is releasing a new children’s book called ‘The Ickabog’ which is being released online in instalments, over several weeks, a chapter at a time.

I hope that many of you enjoyed reading the first two chapters last week! For this week’s challenge, we would like you to read chapters 5 and 6 of ‘The Ickabog’ and use your imagination and creativity to create some illustrations for this section of the story.

Here’s the link to the story: https://www.theickabog.com/read-the-story/ . The chapters are called ‘Daisy Dovetail’ and ‘The Fight in the Courtyard’. You could illustrate the settings, characters, key events – be creative.

Here’s a great example completed by Alyssa for last week’s chapters:


Email us your illustrations when you’ve completed them and enjoy reading this exciting new story. We look forward to seeing them!




Weekly Challenge

J.K.Rowling is releasing a new children’s book called ‘The Ickabog’ which is being released online in instalments, over several weeks, a chapter at a time.

I hope that many of you enjoyed reading the first two chapters last week! For this week’s challenge, we would like you to read chapters 3 and 4 of ‘The Ickabog’ and use your imagination and creativity to create some illustrations for this section of the story.

Here’s the link to the story: https://www.theickabog.com/read-the-story/ . The chapters are called ‘Death of a Seamstress’ and ‘The Quiet House’. You could illustrate the settings, characters, key events – chapter 3 introduces the City-Within-The-City and it would be great to see your interpretation of this high-walled, gated setting. You could draw your illustrations using pencils or crayons, or you could event paint them.


Email us your illustrations when you’ve completed them and enjoy reading this exciting new story. We look forward to seeing them!



Virtual STW School Games – Challenge 4

Challenge 4 for the Virtual STW School Games is BOCCIA!!!!

  • Please send in a video and a photo along with your best score (you can use the score sheet attached if you wish).
  • All videos/photos and scores should be sent to schoolgames@energizestw.org.uk
  • You must include the child’s name, age, year group and school and whether there is parental consent for videos/photos to be shared on their social media platforms.
  • We would also love it if you could cc us into the email so that we can admire your skills and share them on the school website: april.whitehouse@taw.org.uk and courtnie.cassidy@taw.org.uk


If you would like to watch a video example of how you could complete this challenge, open the document below and follow the video links.

This is Challenge 4 however you can still complete the previous challenges at any time and send in your entries- final entry for all challenges is the 29th June. Remember, for each entry you will receive a participation certificate and be in for the chance to win medals, wristbands and t-shirts!

We look forward to seeing all your photos and videos #BocciaChallenge


Challenge 4- Boccia

Home Learning Links

Here is a reminder of all the useful links that you can be accessing from home. There’s lots of different learning that you can access through these and one which we would highly recommend is the Oak National AcademyOn this website, new English and Maths lessons are released daily, meaning there’s always something new to access and it builds and develops the learning extremely well across the week.

Topic (Fairtrade)



Other useful links which address a variety of subjects

Weekly Challenge

J.K.Rowling is releasing a new children’s book called ‘The Ickabog’ which is being released online in instalments, over several weeks, a chapter at a time.

However, so far the book has all words and no pictures! For this week’s challenge, we would like you to read the first two chapters of ‘The Ickabog’ and use your imagination and creativity to create some illustrations for this section of the story.

Here’s the link to the story: https://www.theickabog.com/read-the-story/ . The first two chapters are called ‘King Fred the Fearless’ and ‘The Ickabog’. You could illustrate the settings, characters, first key events – there’s some great metaphors and similes in these chapters so be as creative as you can! You could draw your illustrations using pencils or crayons, or you could event paint them.


Email us your illustrations when you’ve completed them and enjoy reading this exciting new story. We look forward to seeing them!



Virtual STW School Games – Challenge 2

Happy Bank Holiday!

Challenge 2 for the Virtual STW School Games is NEW AGE KURLING! 

It is half term and hopefully you’re relaxing and enjoying the beautiful weather, so there’s no expectation for you to complete it this week – you could complete it next week and email it together along with Challenge 3!

  • Please send in a video and a photo along with your best score (you can use the score sheet attached if you wish).
  • All videos/photos and scores should be sent to schoolgames@energizestw.org.uk
  • You must include the child’s name, age, year group and school and whether there is parental consent for videos/photos to be shared on their social media platforms.
  • We would also love it if you could cc us into the email so that we can admire your skills and share them on the school website: april.whitehouse@taw.org.uk and courtnie.cassidy@taw.org.uk

If you would like to watch a video example of how you could complete this challenge, open the document below and follow the video links. Remember, you can be creative with how you participate and the ‘equipment’ you use!

We look forward to seeing all your photos and videos #NAKChallenge


Challenge 2 – New Age Kurling

RAF Cosford Half Term Competition

Miss Gilbert has been sent an email about a competition that RAF Cosford are running and wanted to share it with you all:


The RAF Museum is running a free Poster Competition this May half term and we would be delighted for your students to get involved.

There are three age categories and the winning poster from each category will be used as part of our re-opening advertising campaign, plus the winners will each receive a prize bundle from the RAF Museum Shop worth £100.  We also have RAF goody bags for two runners up in each category thanks to our friends at RAF Youth & STEM team.

What you need to do:

  • Design a poster highlighting all your favourite parts of the RAF Museum. 
  • Use our poster resource pack CLICK HERE to help plan your design and to remind you of all the essential information you need to include on your poster.
  • Post a clear photo of your completed poster on our social media, tag us @rafmuseum, or email marketing@rafmuseum.org. Remember to include your first name and the age category you are entering.
  • Competition closes on Friday 5th June and the winners will be announced on Friday 19th June. 

Age categories are: 

  • Under 10s
  • 10 – 18 years
  • Over 18s

For more details on how to enter the free competition visit rafmuseum.org.uk

Good luck!


Have a lovely half term – stay safe!

Weekly Challenge

This week, we would like you to create a general knowledge quiz which you could use with your family. Think carefully about who you are writing the quiz for and what questions you will include. You could even organise your questions into categories to test different subject areas – remember to keep the answers secret!

Send us a photo of your quiz (and the answers) so that we can test our knowledge too!

We look forward to seeing what brilliant questions you can come up with.

